Venezuelans Pay 12 CENTS PER GALLON for Gasoline

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by libertad, May 3, 2006.

  1. Yes, but they only make $5 dollars a day so it's kind of equal.
  2. nassau


    they make a lot more than 5dollars a day..
    it is more between a standard nassau and mexico wage
    ten years ago ...gas was 3cents..

  3. It is dangerous to have much more money than that or oppose his excellency.
  4. Gasoline ranges from 12 cents (Venezuela)to $6.48 per gallon (Norway),,,

    The difference being $6.36 per gallon.....

    Would be interesting to see exactly where the money was really going...

    Since alternative fuels require subsidies it seems as if a floating tax that makes up the breakeven in alts plus a small profit is the only way that an alternative fuel industry can exist...this of course creates a forever more expensive cost to the consumer....until oil supply actually does diminish...

    If the US public would simply convert to small diesel engines....gasoline would drop 40% in price....

    Small diesels are more convenient and efficient than hybrids...

    When broad based solar electricity becomes cost effective...the idea of a hybrid would no longer be cosmetic...
  5. This is so dumb where do you think it goes? The Venezuelan government discounts to its own people wow haha. It’s scary what people say on here sometimes.
  6. Presently, the minimum wage in Venezuela is about $200 per month
  7. ElCubano


    .12/200 =.0006 or .06% of the salary

    .12 cent gas / 200 min wage

    3.09/840 = .003 or .3% of salary

    3.09 gas / 840 min wage in USA
  8. Well, based upon this, gas would have to be priced at 50.4 cents per gallon in the USA to equate to .06% of USA minimum wage. Kind of hard to beat government owned oil companies isn't it?
  9. Excellent Commentary All

    The point here is that although the product is homogenous...the price varies from the discounted 12 cents to over $6.00...

    The issue is that there are no real checks and balances on what really happens in the oil industry...Obviously Chavez discounts and Norway taxes...and there is all in between...

    Seeing how the Bush administration is really run by the oil industry...and how oil can float below and above alternative fuels breakeven point....the question becomes how can the alternative fuels business even get off the ground without heavy government subsidies...

    This is why I mentioned in previous posts that the Bush Administration has blown the funny money necessary to get alternative fuels off the ground in a big way...over $2 trillion....

    This is why the alt fuels industry has been set back over 20 years
    because of Bush policies...l

    Supposedly the US guards free enterprise....This is far from being the case with respect to the oil oligopoly that basically runs (ruins) the US government...

    So I guess Bolivia is threatening the US with nuclear bombs pretty soon ...???
    #10     May 3, 2006