
Discussion in 'Politics' started by SouthAmerica, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. .

    January 14, 2007

    SouthAmerica: An article on the front-page of today’s “A Folha de Sao Paulo” says that President Lula of Brazil is not happy with the latest nationalization moves by Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

    And Lula also thinks that Chavez is trying to acquire authoritarian powers and become a dictator in Venezuela.

  2. South America have you ever been right about anything in your life?

    Your ability to be totally and completely 100% wrong about every instinct, opinion and piece of analysis you put forth is truly unbelievable.

    BTW the EUR/USD is below 1.30. According to you I believe you said around 1.50 with the US economy in a complete free fall in 2006. What happened?????

    "September 13, 2006

    SouthAmerica: Hugo Chavez and Venezuela are getting a lot of mainstream American media attention, because the Bush administration is building its new boogieman in the Americas – after all Fidel Castro is a very old man and what will become of the Americas without a new boogieman?

    But after the Bush administration becomes history, a new US president can try to straighten out the situation with Venezuela with diplomacy and common sense.

    But never forget: The real leader of Latin America it is Brazil and not Venezuela and we have the country's size, the population, the resources, and a very sound economy to back up Brazil’s position.

    In the meantime keep tuned and enjoy the Hugo Chavez show. I find it very entertaining."
  3. The brazilian dictator Lula just figured this out . . . Apparently Lula is just as big of an abject moron as you, and you are both from brazil, what a coincidence . . .
  4. The ignorance is truly stunning.

    SA you own George W Bush a big fat flying apology.

    Pucker up.

  5. Hahahaha.....South America is a douche bag.

    LOL :D
  6. .

    January 15, 2007

    SouthAmerica: It seems to me that some of the Republican rednecks are all coming out of the woodwork here – and some are really delusional.

    Example: “SA you own George W Bush a big fat flying apology.”

    You are as delusional as George W. Bush – and there is nothing to stop that guy from making an even bigger mess in the Middle East – there’s no end to his stupidity.

    If we had a global election to see who was the biggest “Moron” on our planet in the new millennium – George W. Bush’s name would be so far ahead in the voting that no other person would come close. He would be the winner of the contest for sure, and probably would beat the second place by at least 2 billion votes.

  7. The thread isn't about the middle east but about Venzuela isn't it?

    You post the US is trying to find a boggieman in Chavez when clearly he's a bad guy but your hatred of Bush and America run so deep that you are unable to form a coherent opinion.

    Finally, the lightbulb goes off in your brilliant leaders head after he steals Brazillian firms investments in Venezula does your leader realize he may not be such a good guy to do business with and finally you are able to regurgitate lula's feelings.

    Are all your articles just regurgitations of somebody else's ideas?

    What's next? You guys realize Iran's leader is not quite on the level?

    George Bush might be a moron but at least we can say he's been right once in his life which is one more time than you have been.

  8. .

    Sputdr: Finally, the lightbulb goes off in your brilliant leaders head after he steals Brazillian firms investments in Venezula does your leader realize he may not be such a good guy to do business with and finally you are able to regurgitate lula's feelings.

    Are all your articles just regurgitations of somebody else's ideas?

    What's next? You guys realize Iran's leader is not quite on the level?

    George Bush might be a moron but at least we can say he's been right once in his life which is one more time than you have been.


    January 15, 2007

    SouthAmerica: I quoted Lula because he is a personal friend of Hugo Chavez and he also does not agree with Hugo Chavez latest economic and political moves.

    Hugo Chavez, and Evo Morales have the right to do anything that they think it is good for their people and to their country – I does not matter that I don’t agree with their decisions since I am looking from the Brazilian point of view.

    In the meantime Brazil it will look for more reliable partners elsewhere.

    Regarding George W. Bush and also Dick Cheney – these two “Morons” are finally right about one connection that they have been trying to make regarding Iraq – finally Osama Bin Ladden is the supreme Sunni leader in Iraq after the execution of Saddam Hussein.

    George and Dick are doing a fantastic job in helping Osama Bin Ladden and Al-Qaeda spread their power base in the heart of the Middle East.

    Today George W. Bush can claim that the most powerful man in Iraq is: Osama Bin Ladden – and the group that is growing in influence is Al-Qaeda – and all that has been accomplished with the compliments of the Bush administration.

    George W. Bush’s biggest accomplishment in Iraq since March 2003 has been the overthrow an execution of a secular dictator Saddam Hussein and he replaced him with a radical Islamic leader and a new legend of the Arab world – Osama Bin Ladden.

    George W. Bush got rid off a boogieman that had been contained for many years and it was not a direct threat to the United States – and he replaced him with a boogieman that has a global reach and it is a direct threat to the United States – and a man that has shown to the world that he can cause havoc even inside the United States.

    And for all of George W. Bush’s image and rhetoric of a macho cowboy and also of a lose cannon – he is completely impotent since everybody around the world knows that Osama Bin Ladden the man responsible for 9/11 is doing fine and is laughing of George W. Bush – and Osama Bin Ladden and his group Al-Qaeda is doing it under the protection of the Pakistani government and its 100 nuclear warheads.

    And today George W. Bush is completely “impotent” - regarding his pursuit of Osama Bin Ladden - and he can’t do a think about it.

    Not even "Viagra" can help George W. Bush on that one.

  9. SA,

    Just a friendly question, if you don't mind. Where would you say you fall on the political spectrum in Brazil? Are your left of center/socialist/anti-US views pretty much mainstream in Brazil, or would you be considered part of the left there?
  10. .

    January 15, 2007

    SouthAmerica: Reply to AAAintheBeltway

    For the people who like labels I would say that am very much in the “center” regarding Brazil or the United States.

    I used to be a Republican for many years, but I have changed many of my political and economic views over the years – the Republican mindset is frozen in a time long gone.

    I talk with many friends in Brazil, and many of them come to the US for vacations, some of these people lived in the US for many years before they returned to Brazil (most of these people returned to Brazil because banks, and companies closed their offices in the US or they drastically reduced their business with the USA).

    Most of these people like the American people, and they like the USA, and since George W. Bush became president of the US in 2001 a lot of these people keep asking me what is wrong with the US government – and today most people hate the Bush administration – that does not mean that they hate the American people or the United States – they hate the Bush administration and most of its gang of incompetent people.

    If anything today I consider myself an independent – but I still can use my brain and am able to recognize that someone such as Al Gore it is the ultimate candidate that the United States and the world needs today.

    Al Gore has prepared and positioned himself to be the next US president – and he can move the United States forward once more – I want to remind you that George W. Bush and his pals were able to bring the United States back to a mindset of the cold war – Al Gore it will be able to move the US into the future instead of the past.

    #10     Jan 15, 2007