Venezuela, So Safe Under Chavez

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pabst, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. Ricter


    1) It seems like a lot are coming here, but as a percent of their country's populations, it's tiny.

    2) Universal health coverage is not the ONLY reason people immigrate, particularly the young?
    #11     Apr 6, 2006
  2. That's odd. I've been working in healthcare for the last 14 years in 12 different facilities (7 in the last year since I started traveling) and have yet to run into any of these rich Latins, Canadians, Chinese, and Arabs supposedly beating down the doors of our healthcare system for service. Myth? Probably not; but it's definitely a far cry from the truth to say that the US healthcare system is so superior that it attracts wealthy foreigners by the plane loads.
    #12     Apr 6, 2006
  3. Shortly after 9/11 hospitals were complaining about the tight restrictions on foreigners entering the country because they would lose revenues because of foreigners coming in for treatment as US facilities.

    There aren't planloads of rich arabs, chinese and latin americans there are plan loads of poor though but the handful of rich do come here seeking medical care and they pay cash.

    #13     Apr 6, 2006
  4. Oh? Give us a link. I would wager that this lost revenue is more centered around treatments that are highly expensive and simply unavailable or scarce in the countries in question; not because US healthcare is necessarily any better.

    HANDFUL....and like I said, unavailable or scarce. As for the poor ones, now we all know that's not a healthcare issue.
    #14     Apr 6, 2006
  5. maxpi


    People die in marxist cultures. They are a liability to the government. Marxists don't miss 'em, besides people are just a big cosmic accident and a detriment to the planet to a marxist.

    Hugo Chavez just purchased 100,000 AK47's and some helicopters according to a Russian language news source. I would say that Hugo is out to kill somebody. Maybe he is as paranoiac and psychotic as Stalin? Not a pretty sight this marxist shit, can't stand it personally. The biggest psycho always winds up in charge at some point, that is the only logical outcome for it. Then they have to continually rally the peasants against somebody to keep the revolution going while their economy sinks to levels so low that it is beyond imagining to anybody in the first world.
    #15     Apr 6, 2006
  6. If americans were allowed to use canadian healthcare system which is free there would be a stampede on our northern border. More an more uninsured or underinsured americans are already getting medical treatment in Mexico, Costa Rica, other countries of Latin and South America, India, Eastern Europe etc.

    Our healthcare system is the best if you are a millionaire. So yes you can find 100 richest people in every country and correctly claim that they all would prefer to be treated in the US no matter how much it costs, money is not an object for them. If on the other side you are not a millionaire just yet you will get a significantly bigger bang for the buck, better service and better quality treatment elsewhere, even if you have a good insurance in this country.
    #16     Apr 6, 2006
  7. Ricter


    So there's yet another incentive to become a millionaire, better healthcare! Now, how do you become a millionaire? You work, and hard! So get your ass outta bed, get to work on time, and give your employer full value or more for what he's paying you. You have only yourself to benefit...
    #17     Apr 6, 2006
  8. [​IMG]




    Of all children under age 5 murdered from 1976-2002 --

    31% were killed by fathers
    30% were killed by mothers
    23% were killed by male acquaintances
    6% were killed by other relatives
    3% were killed by strangers
    Of those children killed by someone other than their parent, 82% were killed by males.

    Most of the children killed are male and most of the offenders are male
    To view data, click on the chart.


    keep on hiding your heads in the sand klansmen. you will never learn nor will you ever be modest.

    and you wonder why the whole world hate us.
    #18     Apr 6, 2006
  9. Ricter


    On what part of the body were the skin samples taken to determine whether the vics and perps were "black" or "white"?

    Was the sample taken at the same spot on all persons?

    What if that spot had a mole, freckle, or scar, were the researchers allowed to take a sample from elsewhere? What was the criteria for selecting the first sample locaton, and the second?

    On a color meter, what threshold did the sample have to cross to be considered either black or white? If it was very close, to how many decimal places were the researchers allowed to go to make a determination? How did they address the resolution limits to which modern skin color meters can go?
    #19     Apr 6, 2006
  10. Pabst


    One doesn't need to be a millionaire to pop a few hundo a month for a comprehensive health policy. I'm sure some younger guys on ET have a pretty comprehensive policy for two bills.
    #20     Apr 7, 2006