Venezuela Nationalising MORE

Discussion in 'Economics' started by blast19, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Cesko


    That's true, the only thing is, employees do not own shit in reality. Commie idiots want you to believe it and retards above believe it. It's gonna be Chavez and cohorts who will end up milking "national assets". For all you stupid fucks who believe Chavez is doing the right thing move to Cuba, comrade Castro started the process way ahead of Chavez. Go enjoy the paradise idiots.

    Regarding multinational corporations they are going to be back putting the mess back in order eventually. It might be news for dumbasses above but commies can't run a shit.
    #21     Jan 11, 2007
  2. all assets everywhere should be nationalized.

    the people own everything.


    prepare for the new world order now.
    #22     Jan 11, 2007
  3. Cesko


    Nationalization Definition
    Takeover of a private company's assets or operations by a government. The company may or may not be compensated for the loss of assets. In developing nations, an operation is typically nationalized if the government feels the company is exploiting the host country and exporting too high a proportion of the profits. By nationalizing the firm, the government hopes to keep profits at home.

    What I said
    Nationalizing means profits stay in there country and cheaper cost of service for them

    What did I say wrong in explaining it?

    By nationalizing the firm, the government hopes to keep profits at home.
    Second the government is not the people, I know you have no direct experience of this but Chavez works for Chavez not for the people.
    Otherwise thank you brainiac I understand now why Cuba is so rich. Chasing away those evil corporations and keeping profits at home has done them lot of good.

    P.S. You should have not believed everything they taught you in high school. After all teachers are unionized government employees so they have their own agenda.
    #23     Jan 11, 2007
  4. What if (theoretically) the following experiment could be conducted to determine which system is better at bringing prosperity, Capitalism or Marxism:

    Take a hypothetical nation with a political void needing to be filled. This nation has a large population, but the standard of living is unacceptably low. The nation needs significant infrastructure improvements and a jump start to its economy. The problems are pretty much spread out evenly across the nation; no one sector is doing much better than any other. Basically the entire place needs to be rebuilt from scratch.

    Now, split the country in two. In sector A, implement American style capitalism. Let corporations form, and conduct business with the absolute minimum of government interference. Free trade and private ownership of property is strongly encouraged by the government. It's every man for himself, and if you can't keep up with the rat race, you just may find yourself living in a cardboard box, as the government won't even guarantee your basic human needs.

    In sector B, implement the Red wet dream of certain ET members. Have the government impose strict egalitarian policies. Never allow the greedy capitalists to make fortunes off the sweat of the little people. In sector B, no one would ever become homeless or hungry because the government guarantees acceptable and equal living conditions for all it's citizens. Even free health care and secure employment are guaranteed. Sector B citizens are fortunate not to have to worry about much of anything, as the government will always be there to provide for them.

    Fast forward 40 years. Which sector has a higher standard of living? Where has prosperity bloomed? Which citizens are envious of those in the other sector?






    Now, what if I told you that this 'hypothetical' experiment isn't just theory after all. What if I told you that all this actually happened...

    <img src=>
    #24     Jan 11, 2007
  5. karel150


    Belive me brokerboy you have no idea what nationalizing means. Venezuela is ruled by one man and it means the country is owned by one man-Hugo himself. Take a look at belorussia. This is possible future of Venezuela. I dont think belorussians are happy. Im living in former sovietunion and have nothing good to remember from times where everything was owned by "people".
    #25     Jan 11, 2007
  6. :eek: I'm just a little person surely THE NEW WORLD ORDER will take pity on a debauched capitalist
    #26     Jan 11, 2007
  7. "Your people" were the ones who stole assets from my family!
    Vash narod ukral'yi vsyo ot moikh roditil'yiy...Banditii!
    #27     Jan 11, 2007
  8. I've just discovered the "quote" option:)
    #28     Jan 11, 2007
  9. Why are you such a retard? I put the definition of nationalism which I got from an internet dictionary and your telling me that’s wrong too. You’re having an argument about things I did not even say. You don’t even know how to use the quote system on Elite and you’re attacking me. I don’t want to shock you cupcake but Putin works for Putin. Bush works for Bush and Hu Jintoa works for Hu Jintoa. Nobody is going to question who is most important to Chavez. Its sad how slow you are Cuba has had an embargo for 50 years now so do you have an honest example. My only point is don’t tell other people what’s best for there country. We built our Democracy on stealing the Indians land and then killing them. We then took black people walking in the woods in South Africa as property put them on boats and sold them as slaves to build and run our farms. You cant have dirty hands then tell other people how to build there country especially when we did far worse things.
    #29     Jan 11, 2007
  10. maxpi


    The Cuban embargo does not include a long list of countries, Canada is one.

    All commie economies, everywhere, in all of history, have been awful. In case you can't see the obvious, that means that the track record is 100% failure for commie economies. You are living proof that idealogues cannot reason and should not be reasoned with actually.

    And regarding the slaves, they were actually bought from black people in Africa so why don't you go get up their ass with your historical probe?
    #30     Jan 11, 2007