veiwing pdf files on the go

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by zdreg, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. zdreg


    cheap device to view pdf files on the go?
    Something hand held size like a PDA or slightly larger . I was thinking about getting an ipod touch, but maybe there are cheaper alternatives. Laptops/netbooks are not in the equation.

    Any suggestions are welcomed.
  2. I/we use iPads.
  3. byteme


    Just about any Android/Win Phone 7/iOS phone or tablet can do this.

    Hundreds of devices to choose from - just pick one with your size/price requirements.
  4. zdreg


    let's say the budget is $100.
    what are your thoughts?
  5. kindle
  6. byteme


  7. byteme


  8. zdreg


  9. Mr_You


    My mom loves her new Kindle Touch. I'm the techie and I'm jealous! heh
  10. At that price point you're better off buying whatever printer is on sale at Staples and making physical copies until the toner runs out.
    #10     Feb 27, 2012