Van Jones on why Bush was more successful than Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. He is not a communist now, he was earlier in his career. Stop listening to glenn beck. Even if he was, I would not give a shit.

    Why would he hire him? Maybe he knows a few things about the environment? Just a thought.
    #21     Sep 2, 2009
  2. Is there anything you would not make an excuse for this guy? Are you that far gone and really that stupid? It was an interview he did on NPR. Those are his views. He came to those view in part by himself, and in part through his vast array of radicals he hangs out with.

    IT IS WHO HE IS!!!!!!!!!
    #22     Sep 2, 2009
  3. I don't want to debate with Glenn Beck/Limbaugh/Fox drones. They do your thinking for you, you are just a parrot.

    The people Obama put in SENIOR positions are not extremists you just need to eat that and be happy.
    #23     Sep 2, 2009
  4. You don't want to debate because your arguments have no merit. Face it, it is amateur hour at the White House.
    #24     Sep 2, 2009

  5. Wow, is this what "smart" "intelligent" "educated" liberal meetings consist of?!?!

    BWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
    #25     Sep 2, 2009

  6. We have to remember that liberals debate the issues and don't resort to name-calling. They stick strickly to the issues.

    Obama clearly tapped this guy for his middle of the road views and bi-partisan attitude. Afterall, Obama promised he would bring bi-partisanship back to Washington. Well done Obama.
    #26     Sep 2, 2009

  7. Ok here is a summary for developmentally challenged (that means you)

    Obama is a black politician. Because he was groing up in 60s and 70s it is natural that he had certain resentments(nothing he could not outgrow). That turbulent time also produced all kinds of people who did not like status quo (counter culture anyone?) Obama happened to associate himself with a few of those.

    As a BLACK politician, his initial concern was to be "black enough" because Harvard education would be viewed with suspicion in the poorest neighborhoods of Chicago. To that end, he had to have certain "bona fide" black beliefs, (and that is why he got involved in a "black church" with jeremia wright). Btw, reparations are a form of redistribution. Just a thought. He spoke to the audience, just as jesse jackson or al sharpton would.

    Even early in the campaign of 2008 he had problems with being "black enough"

    Fast forward to present day. Enough retards like you like to pick up random phrases without regard to context, audience, and general background. In his early career he spoke to the BLACK audience, so of course he would emphasize civil rights, reparations (redistribution) and the like. That is meaningless.

    As to Van Jones. Van Jones had certain resentments but has turned around and became an eco capitalist. Realistically, there are no REAL communists left in this world (with exceptions of Cuba and North Korea perhaps)
    #27     Sep 2, 2009
  8. 99% of your argument is completely wasted because Obama grew up in affirmative action era, not the civil rights era. Good try though.

    I am missing the BLACK and communist connection. There are plenty of black people who are older than Obama who are not associated with communist, bigots, and domestic terrorists. There are plenty of elderly black people who love this country and have served it well. Your attempt to make this into a racial argument is completely bogus and it exposes you are a racists. You have to look past the color of the man's skin, Pubix.
    #28     Sep 2, 2009

  9. I am done wasting my time on you.
    #29     Sep 2, 2009
  10. Wow..........

    So , if I understand the logic employed in your apology, the same cultural and social empathy should be (or should have been) accorded to a politician like David Duke ?

    Upon further thought, are you going to tell me that if a "white" POTUS had appointed David Duke as Eco-Green UberCommander, the "progressives" would not have a problem with it because it is just a "token" appointment ?

    I may indeed be developmentally challenged (as a non-Obama-ite), but I know a zinger when I hear one (or read one)
    #30     Sep 2, 2009