Using machine learning to Improve systematic trading

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by Rogerahan, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. Rogerahan


    I have attached a document I wrote on how to improve systematic trading using machine learning. I personally found some interesting results.

    Hopefully people find this useful. I am also curious as to what your thoughts are, and whether you have applied machine learning to your own trading methodology.
    JackRab, alex314159, speedo and 2 others like this.
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Thanks so much for sharing that Roger!
  3. BigTommy


    Thanks for sharing! This is interesting.
    Baron likes this.
  4. ML doesn`t help as it curve fits stops to the past optimum, which aren`t relevant, unless you can accurately predict the upcoming volatility.But don`t know any one who`s managed to do that as yet.
    comagnum likes this.
  5. Rogerahan


    You're welcome Baron. Thanks for the feedback.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2017
  6. Rogerahan


    You're welcome, and I am really glad to hear you found it interesting!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2017
  7. Rogerahan


    I found in my research ML really did help, at least in terms of a smaller a drawdown, greater trade expectancy, higher win percentage etc. However, I applied ML to already defined systematic strategy in a way which doesn't include optimizing stops or anything like that.

    I also made sure, as per best practice, to split my data into a training set, a cross validation set, and a test set for the final statistical analysis. Additionally, I made sure to address how to check results via a 'learning curve function' for variance (over-fitting) or bias in the model.

    Also, I state in the paper that one of my justifications for using Logistic regression as my ML algorithm of choice is its in built assumptions of linearity. Which is kind off a safety net against over-fitting. I also included the code for regularised logistic regression just in case someone using the document did find inherent variance in their model.
    userque likes this.
  8. What is your DD, if i may?Over what period?
  9. traider


    are you currently a student?
  10. Rogerahan


    No. I know I wrote the document like a thesis, Its just that I wanted it to be be decently thorough and well referenced.
    #10     Aug 13, 2017