USA National credit exhaustion and bankruptcy

Discussion in 'Economics' started by swtrader, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Does anyone else think the the USA is coming close to an inability to borrow?

    we're bailing out worthless entities with SHIT assets right and left, already to the tune of about 2 trillion

    Is anyone else starting to wonder if the money will even be there to borrow? At what point do people quit buying treasuries?
  2. It will be done when the US has been BK'd into financial that point all useful assets will already be ALL TRANSFERED to the financial grid takeover masters.........


    Anyone "get it" yet????????????
  3. Not sure if the US government is tethering on insolvency, but I guess it's all relative


    Read the NIC publications. Here's a lift from the 2025 publication home page...

    * The whole international system—as constructed following WWII—will be revolutionized. Not only will new players—Brazil, Russia, India and China— have a seat at the international high table, they will bring new stakes and rules of the game.
    * The unprecedented transfer of wealth roughly from West to East now under way will continue for the foreseeable future.
    * Unprecedented economic growth, coupled with 1.5 billion more people, will put pressure on resources—particularly energy, food, and water—raising the specter of scarcities emerging as demand outstrips supply.
    * The potential for conflict will increase owing partly to political turbulence in parts of the greater Middle East.

    And a lift from the 2010 page, dated November 1997...

    How the United States views the world--and how the world views the US--has been shaped by a mere page of history--five decades. American disengagement or continued involvement will determine if that half century is to serve as a model, rather than an aberration. Although trends will unfold regardless of US policies, US policies can help foster a climate where change is benign or violent, steady or unsettling. The ability of the United States to remain engaged will be determined in turn by the power at our disposal--economic vitality, military strength and the consensus on its use, and political cohesion. But given budgetary constraints, and the messiness in implementing new concepts of order, America's success will also hinge to a considerable extent on how effectively it works with nongovernmental agencies, and the degree to which it builds and sustains multilateral cooperation and institutions.

  5. things were a lot different a year and a half or two years ago.
  6. Lucrum


    I think the US debt is at 69% of GDP now.
  7. Nobody knows what the exact number is anymore, but for certain it is far higher than the official Treasury number as the US has essentially guaranteed a great deal of non-Treasury debt. Adding only the direct MBS stuff the number is already over 100% of GDP, disregarding the possible issues with modern GDP calculation.

    Also important to note that Japan funds virtually its entire federal obligation with internal funds. That stopped being the case in the US a long time ago.

    Some of the other countries high up on that list - eg, Italy, Greece and Ireland - are likely screwed beyond redemption. Germany and Canada are likely very safe, France is in limbo, and the UK is in real danger of joining the bottom-feeders.
  8. The world needs a clean sheet and they have to offer the creditor nations more political power etc in return for default on (western) debt.

    They will accept it as they know their holdings will be inflated anyway...

    Then we can start over. Maybe add some real hard currency to it and we will all be in better shape both credit and debtor nations.
  9. Mercor


    So when the Grid masters get all the wealth, will they take responsibilty for sending out the welfare checks.

    Who will provide bridge loans for weekly payrolls?

    Isn't most wealth already out of the public's hand. It seems if you have all the money in the world it would be more of a headache then almighty power.
  10. The official U.S. National Debt stands near 11 trillion.

    David M. Walker, former Comptroller General, pegs the real figure at close to 60 trillion dollars, in big part due to unfunded mandated spending (entitlement programs).

    Then, there's 'deficit spending,' which right now is about to come in at an 'official' rate of around 1 trillion dollars -

    If it does, the annual deficit will represent nearly 8% of the Gross Domestic Product of the United States - at a time when GDP may contract sharply over the next several quarters and tax receipts fall sharply, as well.
    #10     Nov 23, 2008