USA is so corrupt

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by chipmunk, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. bxptone


    Ummm no thanks, if I don't like it here, I'm going to stay and try to help make a change for the better.

    Just because my gov't gives me rights, no matter how much I do or don't pay in taxes, doesn't give it the right to hoodwink me as a citizen, and if thinks it can to people collectively. I hope this gov't remembers that history tends to repeat itself and we've had only revolution thus far.

    If people like you like to get slapped around by a gov't that's is now out for itself, no longer for the people of this country. And just like to get crapped on in general. Then by all means, keep doing nothing and keep up the "You don't like it, then leave" crap. Some of us see what's going on and are trying to do something about it. Others like yourself, live in this fantasy land that nobody abuses power, power grabs aren't being made and that this gov't really is working for the people, lol. That's what's got us here in the first place.

    So sit around and do nothing and watch America turn into the very countries your tell me to leave for.
    #41     Sep 30, 2008
  2. piezoe


    An interesting question to ask is how would congress have voted had they not been fed lies and doctored reports by the administration, and instead had been given the current justification for the War, i.e.,"democracy building."

    At the time of the congressional vote the argument that if we don't go into Iraq, Iraq will become a haven for terrorist activity and will fly apart into civil war could not have been truthfully made, since these outcomes only became probable because of our involvement. As we know, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and there was virtually no organized terrorist activity there aimed at Western powers before the US invaded -- an invasion that led to the killing of the one person who had demonstrated the ability to keep the country from flying apart, the reviled dictator Saddam Hussein.

    Would Congress had voted to commit American troops to "democracy building" in Iraq? The answer to this question could absolve Congress of culpability and complicity in the present Iraq war.
    #42     Oct 5, 2008