USA: 142 $B debt increase in...2 days

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by DT-waw, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. actually the fix is easy. you just need grownups in congress.
    means test entitlements
    raise ss age to 70
    cut military spending in half
    end the needless wars
    stop all corporate wellfare subsidies
    raise public pension eligible age to 70 also
    raise taxes on the rich to 39%
    close rich tax loopholes
    stop corporate offshore tax havens.
    there are probably lots more sensible things but we are almost there already
    #11     Oct 4, 2011
  2. Lucrum


    That's actually not a bad list. Why you're a cheerleader for Obama and the democrats I'll never know. The "raise taxes on the rich" is practically the only item on it they're interested in.
    #12     Oct 4, 2011
  3. How does that saying go?

    If I owe you $100 and can't pay I've got a credit problem.
    If I owe you $100 Million and can't pay you've got the credit problem.
    #13     Oct 4, 2011
  4. My point is that the two parties can't even accomplish the smallest of tasks, there is literally no hope that this country can find the 400 some odd individuals who are enlightened enough to actually act in this countries best interests.

    There isn't a chance in hell that even one of your well presented list of reforms could pass. The whole shitshow in Congress is just endless demagouging with zero foresight on the real structural issues. Everything in this present day economy is simply a "quick fix" to get us thru the next few weeks or months. It's a complete travesty.
    #14     Oct 4, 2011
  5. Eight


    ...oh good... that makes me feel so much better. We can sustain our insane course of action after all!!
    #15     Oct 4, 2011
  6. Lucrum


    So the entire world is fucked then.

    Food - check
    Water - check
    Guns - check
    ammo - check
    #16     Oct 4, 2011