US Supreme Court Signals Support For Trump 2020 Census Citizenship Question

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Banjo, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Banjo


  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

  3. Yep. I saw a reuter's article stating that the argument before the court was looking good for Camp Trump, based on the judge's line of questioning.

    I think John Roberts is somewhat judicially unstable so that makes me cautious, but it is pretty much all over but for the ruling now and it is probably looking about as good as it could all things considered. Trump put a couple judges on there who are not loons and they will help but the lefty loons are immovable and it is what it is.

    It looks like Trump might win this, but I am going to go ahead and sacrifice a couple chickens just to increase the odds a little.
    smallfil likes this.
  4. RedDuke


    Can someone please explain in very simple terms, what is the argument all about? I miss the point, why did this even go to SC. Just simply include the question and moved on. Am I missing something?
    Tsing Tao likes this.
  5. elderado


    Citizen vs. non-citizen. Primarily congressional districting. The more illegals you can stuff into California and New York, the more congressional districts they can steal. I'm pretty sure you can't go below 1 rep, though. Sorry, Wyoming.
    smallfil likes this.
  6. UsualName


    The constitution is very clear in that the census is to count residents, not citizens, for apportionment.

    This is a critical constitutional issue as the census is used by government and private business in virtually every area related to commerce, education, health and safety, etc. Decreasing the accuracy is a detriment to our national wellbeing.

    I know you right wingers are thinking this is a good thing for whatever reason but it is not. We want an accurate count.
  7. Might be some butt-hurt coming up for you before the end of the year then.

    More on top of not being able to impeach and/or prosecute Trump and more from Horowitz's report on deep state misconduct.

    And by then the loser-field of dem candidates will be more than finalized, and that should be depressing for you if you are savvy at all. Big "if" there.

    Tough time but we are here for you.
    smallfil and DTB2 like this.
  8. RedDuke


    Still not following, people are still being counted, it is just another question. For example, do you have any gray hair? Who will it impact in overall census count?
  9. I believe the forms are not truly anonymous so if someone checks the box about not being a citizen they are afraid they will then get a visit from ICE. Then you could see many people not bother to answer the question at all.

    Is the census a count of people in each state or a count of U.S. citizens in each state. Seems reading the constitution for the latter is too much of a stretch.
  10. UsualName


    Because of the constitutional importance and critical need for accuracy the census bureau has a standing policy to test new questions and practices for decreasing accuracy. That practice was bypassed in this matter.
    #10     Apr 23, 2019