US State Department Says New Testament is Anti-Semitic Hate Speech

Discussion in 'Politics' started by achilles28, May 10, 2008.

  1. achilles28


    It wouldn't be complete without you pulling out the Hate Card.

    Remember: We're all out to git 'ya!
    #31     Jun 11, 2008
  2. achilles28


    I only said they were the Same Thing about 50 Times!

    O-bla-dee O-bla-dah Life-Goes-on! Whoa! la la la life goes on!
    #32     Jun 11, 2008
  3. I highly doubt a28 has time to drink. He is in constant motion, traveling from safe house to house, living off the grid, trying to avoid detection by Carnivore and FBI see-through-the-wall technology.

    So it is highly doubtful that a man of his character - a Patriot whose goal is to inform us sheeple of the evil of our gubment - is an alcoholic.

    No, I am convinced that a28 drinks nothing stronger than coffee and V8. He has to be ready at all times to fight the evil gubment's Terminator bots when the German shepherds start barking at any given safe house...
    #33     Jun 11, 2008
  4. Corky ain't gonna get that. LOL
    #34     Jun 12, 2008
  5. Hitler killed a lot of people on the Eastern Front, but not because they were Christian. They were killed because they were Slavic, because they were Jewish, because they were combatants, or simply because they were in the way.

    As for the Red Terror, the Russian civil war, and the Stalinist purges, they did not specifically target Christians; they were political rather than ethnic or religious.

    The Jews certainly have no monopoly on being persecuted. However, in terms of the proportional impact on a population in living memory, the toll of anti-Semitism has been several hundred times greater than the toll of anti-Christianity. By any possible standard, Jews have much more to fear from religious persecution than Christians do.

    #35     Jun 12, 2008
  6. Plato's Cave was one of my favorite parables as I was awakening to Reality. I would point out that mankind is inside a dark tomb in which nothing his eyes, ears, nose, tongue, or hands teach him is true. Faith - applied to truth - must be employed in order to roll away the stone blocking the door of the tomb, that you may wake up to Reality. This is symbolized by my resurrection. Resurrection and salvation are similar because they are both for the mind, which is darkened by confusing belief systems. Confusion is darkness. These false belief systems precede time and space/form and give rise to the concept of man, who's eyes are designed to see only what is illusion. He seems to "see"...but is literally blind to Reality. Man does not understand what he is, where he is, or what he is doing. He needs "light". But when the light comes, man remains acclimated to the darkened tomb, preferring confusion to the seemless, unconflicted clarity of the whole truth. Man has been in the tomb so long he has lost all recollection of what truth is. Therefore, the truth is astonishing, "insane", unbelievable, "unverifiable"...and/or "blasphemous" to his way of thinking. He tends to stay in the tomb until he finally comprehends how the truth sets him free.

    If you search the bible, you will be able to discern fragments of what I am about to reconstruct for you. Think of my message as a Rubrics Cube which I have solved and passed on. In the passing on, each handler makes changes based on the filters - belief systems - which determines what he sees. As these filters render the handler colorblind, each thinks he is making an adjustment which aligns all the colors on each face of the Cube. But actually, the Cube has gotten so mixed up that it has become unsolvable except through a miracle. Here again, is the solved puzzle which explains what is the world, what is man, and what is the truth...
    #36     Jun 12, 2008
  7. The truth is, man is a delusion of consciousness, which exists as a hypothetical belief system in the mind of the Son of God which I will call Reality or Christ. So it seems that in one part of Christ's mind he encompasses the Kingdom of God, and in the other part, he encompasses his own private kingdom. The thought systems that build these kingdoms are utterly incompatible and cannot coexist. One is based on oneness, and the other is based on separation. They are virtually opposites in every way, shape and form. Thus, the Son of God attempts to have both what is Real, and also what is unreal. This sets up a conflict of interest which results in a "fall". The fall gives rise to this world as a kind of safety net. But instead of being his salvation, it ends up being a web of confusion. The confusion is so severe that it constitutes the destruction of his mind. Everything about a private kingdom is insane. Man's thought system is based on this "private kingdom" and is symbolized by private mind with private thoughts. In this way, what God has joined - mind - is put asunder by the idea of unsharable domain. The concept of a private mind is expressed as a body...and all of the privacy it demands and requires. The body is unsharable, no matter how 'hard' man tries to share it. The body is a kind of mental magic trick which casts a spell over the private kingdom of the now "prodigal" Son. It nails a tiny fragment of mind to the *ground*, tempting and tormenting it with a daily diet of lies until it succumbs to the "reality" of a world in which the Son's free mind is imprisoned and subverted by bodily *needs*. In this way, the Son's identity is stolen, lost or exhanged for "Bob", "Mike", "Jem", "Sue"...etc. All of these identities *die* because none of them are Real...each denying what is Real by it's very existence. Reality - Christ - is immortal...eternal. Unreality must then be mortal and subject to time which is the opposite of eternity. This is to say, these identities are subject to the thought systems -"laws" - that run the private kingdom. The private kingdom is opposite the Kingdom of God, so all of it's denizens are subject to death, dying willingly for the cause of confusion. This is why I say that you are in a "tomb". You are born to die. It is "dark" because you do not know how or why you must die. And yet, you die willingly unless you choose Life instead of lies. Lies obfuscate choice. Man's path is so twisted that virtually none of his choices lead to freedom, but rather, further into darkness.

    Either "Jem" is real, or Christ is Real. Everything about "Jem" is false. Everything about Christ is true. To be "baptized into Christ" means you have chosen to walk a path where the concept of "Jem" dies, and the reality of Christ dawns upon your awareness as your Self. This is symbolized by the death of the concept of Jesus who wakens to his reality as Christ. As Jem and Jesus, we are unreal self-concepts doomed to disagree and die. As Christ, we are the One Son of God, one with the Father, having one Truth, one Will, and one Life.

    The idea that you can "piss off God" means that you do not understand our Father, and operate according to the thought system that gives rise to this world. You are virtually thinking devilishly. The devilish thought system is all about guilt. Undertand that the concept of guilt is totally false. And yet, this entire world is built upon it, in reaction to it. Thus, this world was built on the run as an escape, and the body represents a fortress where God cannot enter. The body is a loveless limitation masking the mind of the Son that it may not recognize itsSelf...blinding his mind to it's Reality.

    When you put your faith in that Reality- beyond the body - your faith invokes the laws of the private kingdom, delivering the sight of Reality to your mind's eye. This I call *Vision*. Vision verifies the accuracy of your belief in the truth. With vision, you will be able to walk the path that leads you out of the tomb, and out of this world. Vision enables you to "see" that "Jem" does not exist. Vision shows you the difference between what is real and what is unreal that you may choose the truth versus illusion. Vision shows you what and who you are...and what and who your brother is. You will "see" that you and your brother are exactly the same, without any difference whatsoever. In this way, you will see that your brother is your equal. This "sight" restores your *memory* of the Kingdom of God. First you will remember the Son. And when you "see" the Son, you have seen the Father, because the Father and the Son are the same. Then you will remember the Father and understand that the idea that you can "piss off God" is utterly part of the false thought system that made "Jem" seem real. Vision will show you that where there seems to be a problem, there is already a solution which constitutes a "miracle". As you allow solutions to work through you, your belief system is verified, and you grow in faith and certainty that you are in fact Christ and therefore have nothing to fear.

    I ask that you "follow me". This means that the means and end are the same. The means is miracles. The end is the restoration of Self to your awareness in all it's glory. You will be led away from dreams to awaken to Reality. Begin with faith. Ask for Vision. Be willing to work miracles. Be willing to let go of the world. Be willing to accept the truth. The truth is we are One. So I am an equal. If you saw "me" you would be inclined to drop to your knees and worship in awe. But I am your brother, and you are the same as I. Reserve *awe* for our Father who created us as we are, unchangeable, indestructible, immortal, Himself in every way.

    Cash? Christ owns everything that is Real. Nothing the mind of man can imagine what is the meaning of "abundance". There is nothing in the world even to make a comparison. There is no such thing as abundance in this world. You must leave this world to comprehend it. Simply have faith in your abundance until you see the verification [justification] of your faith, which will lead you finally to the abundance I promised you.

    Sex? Again, by limiting yourself to a body, you have nothing to compare what is truly abundant. The body is unsharable. The Kingdom of God is entirely shared. Read between the lines here.

    What this means is that man has absolutely nothing of value to give in exchange for the Kingdom. So why try? When the world has no value to you, you may then exchange nothing for everything. The world is nothing. But while it has value to you, it will remain in your experience because from what you want, God cannot save you. "Thy will be done" is God's Will either in the Kingdom or in your private kingdom. Therefore, be careful what you wish for.

    What is the point? Sharing. Since the Kingdom is entirely shared, sharing it is the *Way* to restore it to your awareness. As you give, you will recieve. Give truth, and you will recieve truth in return. Give confusion and you will recieve confusion. The decision to give the entire Kingdom away to *all* is the decision to have the Kingdom for yourSelf. The Kingdom is "within you" because having and being are the same. When you give the Kingdom, you give of your Self. Every miracle asserts your Identity where it has been denied by the thought system of this world. Sharing leads to salvation. Salvation is the restoration of sanity to the split off aspects of the Son's mind, bringing them back into the fold.

    The Kingdom of God is "within you" because the truth about you can never be changed by self-concepts, no matter how "real" they seem to be. The "reality" of man is merely a testament to the power of belief in the Son's mind. This world is literally a belief. You transcend it by "renouncing" it, that is, by withdrawing what faith you have placed in it. It is entirely constructed of faith in the unreal, and entirely deconstructed by faith in the Real. When you withdraw faith in it, you also reduce the value you have previously placed in it by an accumulation of value-judements. All of these judgements have served to confuse by making real what can never be real. Man "keeps it real" by almost everything he does. So you must choose your *Way* carefully, and watch your steps vigilantly.

    #37     Jun 12, 2008
  8. so say you that they didn't target Christians. that is a bigoted statement and just as bad as a holocaust denier.

    the techniques used to murder them were barbaric and considering the scope of history, this is fairly recent. the fact that there were so many more slaughtered and starved and tortured than just about any other group, should be noted, yet media is silent.

    we need memorials and to be quite frank i'm thinkin reparations from the banks that financed the genocide.
    #38     Jun 12, 2008
  9. Ratboy, there was no genocide of 40 to 60 million Christians in Russia. If you want to call that denial of history, you're going to have to present some historical evidence beyond your say-so.

    I just did a Google search on "russia christian genocide." The first 5 hits were about the Turkish Armenian genocide, the 6th was from the website "" Good company you're keeping there, perhaps that's where you get your information?

    Even on that explicitly anti-Semitic web site, I couldn't find anything showing that the Communists were specifically targeting Christians for their religion. They were too preoccupied suggesting that all the Bolsheviks were Jews, or at least had Jewish grandmothers.

    As it happens, they neglected to mention that the Stalinist purges, numerically the most brutal period of Soviet history, actually specifically targeted Jews. Unlike your fictitious anti-Christian genocide, there's actually a Wikipedia page about this:'s_antisemitism

    #39     Jun 12, 2008

    the communists were atheist... i didn't bring up jews and have never been to your jewwatch site. you brought it up... all i am saying is 40 to 60 million white christians were genocided. go look up the word. but little sparrow you showed your hand and it looks just like moomoo's. you guys and your victimology show just how weak you are.
    #40     Jun 12, 2008