US seared during hottest year on record by far

Discussion in 'Politics' started by futurecurrents, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Yes, we've already established you are a twisted person, have no children, no empathy, and don't give a shit about what happens in the future.

    So basically your opinion on this matter is not worthy of consideration.
    #11     Jan 10, 2013
  2. .......and virtually all the world's climate scientists and all the world's science organizations.

    But I forgot. Right-wing whackos don't believe in science.
    #12     Jan 10, 2013
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    Those are actual data points not from Watts, but from the people who are claiming that this year is the hottest year on record.

    Why do they have 2 different sets of Data, and why is the one that is public, a half a degree higher than their own personal records?
    #13     Jan 10, 2013
  4. I don't know, but everything Watts has brought up in the past was subsequently debunked. He's making money with the denial game. He's a professional denier. He is purely agenda driven and not taken seriously by actual climatologists. Of course, you don't believe actual climatologists so appealing to their authority does no good here I guess.

    The fact is...this was the hottest year on record, by far. Something like 12 of the last 15 years have been the hottest on record. And it's mostly due to man emitting 8 billion tons per year of the greenhouse gas C02 into the air. It's really as simple as that.
    #14     Jan 10, 2013
  5. 377OHMS


    Nope. Its not as simple as that. Its complete nonsense. A climatologist is someone who couldn't get their PhD in meteorology.

    Its like a air-conditioner installer compared to a thermodynamics specialist with a PhD in physics. They aren't even the same species.
    #15     Jan 10, 2013
  6. I'm not surprised. The Sun had been unusually quiescent re spots, but it's more normal now, which means it's back to its usual state, and no longer masking the rise we'd get from CO2.
    There is some surprising hope: because of the persistently low price of nat gas which is making utilities switch to it from coal, efficiencies gained from stuff like converting our lighting to CFLs and even, now, LEDs, and young people choosing to drive less, the US is actually emitting far less CO2 than anyone thought. None of those trends show any sign of stopping, so who knows? Maybe this thing will actually get solved before we have to build a massive seawall around Manhattan and our other large coastal cities.
    Stranger things have happened...
    #16     Jan 10, 2013

  7. Even assuming that's true, so what? Facts are facts. It doesn't take a doctorate to read a thermometer. We are experiencing rapid global warming due to carbon emissions.

    I understand though that you're "special". You need "special" meds. LOL...
    #17     Jan 10, 2013
  8. 377OHMS


    All of my outdoor lighting is CFLs (lots of them, 14 floods on motion control or sunlight sensors) and all of my indoor lighting is either CFL or LED. I've got a couple of Ott Lights (special broad spectrum CFLs) for reading lamps on my desk. The only incandescent is the built-in light in the stove hood in the guesthouse that I can't figure out how to replace.

    To be fair, my gf does complain that my homes are a little dark inside but I think they're adequately bright. Women seem to like really bright lighting indoors. Not sure why. :)

    The CFLs have held up pretty well. I guess only one has failed over about the last 7 years so they've become pretty reliable. I can light the whole mountain for a fraction of the power it used to require.

    I do have one really powerful halogen right at the peak of the roof of the main house for if I'm having a party and alot of people are in the front yard but I don't use it that often. It pulls about a kilowatt.
    #18     Jan 10, 2013
  9. From Stanford

    Solar increases have contributed some. The interesting one is the cooling effect of the sulphates. They have been talked about for use in geoengineering the climate if the shit really hits the fan.


    The only way that the model works is if greenhouse gas forcing is included.
    #19     Jan 10, 2013
  10. 377OHMS


    Nah, bullshit. There is some warming but it is completely consistent with historic warming trends that have occurred for thousands of years even pre-dating the presence of mankind. I know your religion requires you to blame your fellow man but it just isn't scientific, its zealotry.
    #20     Jan 10, 2013