US real estate market is alive and well

Discussion in 'Economics' started by turkeyneck, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. LEAPup


    Chrysler is just the same old junk year after year. Constant problems, no residual value, etc., pure junk!

    I get a laugh out of Lightspeed's "newsletter" pointing out that Chrysler only lost $199 million last quarter vs. The 1.9B loss in 2009... Chrysler apparently is going to go public if they have two positive quarters. Yep, I'll have a large block...:) lol! Junk!
    #11     Feb 9, 2011
  2. LEAPup


    According to the recent issue of Men's Health magazine, Detroit ranks "the #1 angriest city in the US." Is Men's Health magazine a credible source for the above? I'm just pointing out what was on the news. You make the call.

    I'm not planning on moving there ANY time soon though! Lol
    #12     Feb 9, 2011
  3. #13     Feb 10, 2011
  4. S2007S


    That commercial was one big fucking joke!!!

    Hahahaha the 200... Who is going to buy that garbage???

    No one is going to buy that, just more worthless cars coming from the likes of the "big" three, hahahaha.
    #14     Feb 10, 2011
  5. #15     Feb 10, 2011
  6. Let me ask you this...if 80% of americans said they wanted democracy in other countries, don't you think that implies that they want democracy for themselves? You dont see people who have democracy say they want communism for other countries.

    What I am trying to say is that if people want a specific type of government for other countries, its a 99.999% chance they want that for themselves too.
    #16     Feb 10, 2011
  7. In western countries, where Muslim immigration is more recent, Muslim minorities have introduced Sharia family law, for use in their own disputes, with varying degrees of success (e.g. Britain's Muslim Arbitration Tribunal).
    Sharia to adjudicate their personal and community affairs.

    The US laws, currency and court systems seem heavily affiliated with Christianity. ie. In god we trust... Swearing in / oath, marital vows etc.

    We live in a country that is suppose to be agnostic to religion, where people are free to assemble and live their lives. Grey areas are everywhere and Muslims want to use Sharia law for marriage, divorces, family trusts etc.

    The IRS and the US courts already recognize Hindu Undivided Families (Hindu males by birth are coparceners in a HUF trust) with plenty of case law established. Many middle eastern/asian families operate similarly and have for generations. All property, businesses and income derived by members belongs to the collective family and is unilaterally managed by the Karta (Head of family).

    This family trust system creates conflicts with many US laws.. ie. divorce as the husband has no assets in his own name. Contractual issues because minors are members and enforcing agreements is difficult. Taxation, insurance and the list goes on.

    A few states are trying to ban application of Sharia Law in their courts which consequently will result in the courts failure to recognize mariital unions and inability to adjudicate contracts or agreement disputes.

    If the intent of these states are to unify their laws then they should not discriminate and expressly ban application of all laws foreign to the state.

    They should require all married couples to apply for a license in their state just like drivers licenses. How do these states want to handle probate issues when there are foreign properties, assets and contracts involved?
    Are they going to issue a writ declaring the Oklahoma courts have controlling jurisdiction over family property located in Egypt where the deceased is a 1 / 86 owner and the only member that is a US citizen?

    Just seems like haters in a rush to polarize Muslim family differences in complete ignorance to the underlying issues.
    #17     Feb 10, 2011
  8. sprstpd


    #18     Feb 10, 2011
  9. How can you be a muslim and not want Sharia?

    This is impossible. Sharia is the law system in Koran.
    #19     Feb 10, 2011
  10. Now that was funny! :D
    #20     Feb 10, 2011