US parallels swedish experience

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Mav88, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Mav88


    I have attempted to have a cordial neighborly relationship with a few black neighbors and co-workers. I treated them like I treat any human being, within 48 hours invariably they bring up race. They are obsessed with it, race and white hatred colors every day of their lives. It is fueled by the likes of Jackson and Gates and it exists that way since it replaces real social advancement through usual channels of education and economic achievment that other groups like asians have used. The fact that a president in the middle of a desperate health care debate would take time to do this shows you just how pervasive it really is. It is just another reason why you can't have 'sweden in the US'. Sweden's welfare system will collapse from the Muslim parasites they invited in, we need to watch that evolve as well. Perhaps a visit to Malmo would be good for people who think multiculturalism and socialism are a good mix.

    Notice that the libs, or I assume they are, only have ad homs to offer here. I take the time to point out the historical parrallels and mistakes being made and for that I am accused of being a 'do-nothing' republican. The obligatory racist comment and even a sweeping conclusion on using numbers in an alias all brilliantly defend the liberal position. You could get a PhD in Black Studies at Harvard for that.

    We have a great historical example to look at, Sweden from 70-92. A great economic crisis ensued. Stabilizing/reforming banks was a priority, so far so good, I am for that in principle. The Swedes however also strongly curtailed socialism since they understood it was causing damage. This current US government is expanding it as a response.

    -White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

    Under the guise of the rather stupid idea that 'something is better than nothing', unproductive welfare just took a leap forward as herr Rahm envisioned. $70B for bridges, highways, powergrids, etc.... ok I can take that part ... but over $250B in income transfer payments as stimulus? Anybody here thinks that's temporary? Electronically print money and give it to people who don't work, that's the great solution. Let's become more like the failed 'old model' Sweden. Never mind we can't pay for what we have now, welfare=economic progress.

    Nancy Pelosi- "We won the election. We wrote the bill."

    Yes they did. When confronted with criticism, they bring up Bush, and when it fails they will bring up Bush again. As long as they are going to take that attitude, and anyone who opposes their crap is labelled immediately as an obstructionist, then I'm happy to be a 'do-nothing' republican. The eventual dismal outcome has been already laid out before us in Sweden.
    #11     Jul 26, 2009
  2. moarla


    i love sweden
    #12     Jul 26, 2009
  3. gee, mirrors to a tee what a decade of Bush & Co deregulation has resulted in.

    The guy sold the US to the highest bidder.

    You want Lead in the water? give bush a $1000.00 "campaign donation"

    You want to strip mine in a national forest? give bush $10,000

    You want a no-bid $10 Billion contract. Charge the US taxpayer $200 for a $1 bottle of water? give bush $100,000

    The problem with the US is NOT socialism ( we're more socialist than many socialist countries ) , it's trailer trash illiterates who think monkey brained individuals ( like Palin and Bush ) are qualified to lead the nation.

    Reagan started the entire mess with his borrow and spend philosophy. At least the third rate actor managed to keep govt. growth in check.

    Bush Jr put a nail in the coffin with his borrow/spend/grow the govt. to unsustainable levels/wage wars/de-regulate to the point of stupidity/ incompetent cronyism to replace competent people

    It's a dumb voter issue.

    Not a socialism issue.

    We've been socialist for the last 5 decades. Ask any southern governor.

    #13     Jul 26, 2009
  4. Eight


    Blacks in the US are just weird. Sociologists have determined that they are BY FAR the biggest racists and racial thinkers in the country. I meet plenty of them that are basically better people than I am but there are so many that just make me want to blow chunks... Blacks from Africa are kind of cool people, at least the ones I've met here in Southern Ca. Wifey has a black guy that works on her real estate, he seems to have Republican values and he's a retired Fireman, we hang out sometimes, he's not too race oriented at all...

    The human genome project showed that the differences between blacks and whites are far, far less than was predicted by the model of evolution that says humans started in Africa and then 50,000 years later the new improved white model came out... Real science always trumps "science", I hate "science" but love real science... I just wish the US blacks would wake the hell up and get a life... they could throw off the oppression from the left and we could all throw off the oppression from the left...
    #14     Jul 26, 2009
  5. Tide31


    Me too! How come? - Winterwonderland, but beautiful in the summer- 24 hour sunlight! If you like voluptuous blue-eyed blondes topless, then you need to put Gotland or Malmar (spell check stopped there years ago) on your bucket list.

    Another thing on everyone's mind here has been a 'transaction tax'. One of the main reasons we would NOT institute one in the US is because of what happened when Sweden did it in the 90's. You might check my facts but here is the gist: a 25 bp tax was put on securities transactions to raise much needed government income. Within 6-9 months trading grinded to an essential halt relative to where it had been. Revenues actually 'decreased' for Swedish govt. Trading in Govt dept slowed by OVER 90% from my recollection. The govt couldn't float their paper into an illiquid market and had trouble actually funding the govt balance sheet. This is from memory and its been a while, but we can learn a lot from others mistakes like those in small countries like this. Instead of just looking at our own history.
    #15     Jul 26, 2009
  6. Mav88


    Sweden will have its problems, it's GDP is falling faster than most anyone's, but I'm more concerned about the US. The point is still lost here. First my definition of socialism is not regulation. Regulations are just laws, and good laws are needed anywhere.

    Socialism in my narrow sense is government forced wealth transfer. Sweden had a banking crisis yes, but there was recognition that the socialist overhang was too much in 1992. As the prime minister said, it would be hard to ignore the fact that Sweden suffered so much more than other nations in all the economics shocks from 1970-1992, and in 1997 had fallen far behind other western nations. There is actually a program now in Sweden called 'work first', ask yourself why such a program even needs to exist.

    They cut back on socialism in 1992, everyone understand? The effects gave positive results slowly at first, but helped them regain some but not all lost ground.

    What's Obama's plan after this economic shock? Increase social welfare. Already facing massive funding shortfalls, our brilliant leaders are going for an all out social welfare blitz with the increases within stimulus and now health care. They seem hell bent on repeating the mistakes of sweden.

    I'm positive that some lefty economist will claim an economic multiplier effect by spending borrowed money on having granny's ass wiped in the nursing home. I'm calling bullshit, I'm claiming that will do nothing to increase our economic base to pay off this mess. If medicaid is stimulus then so is war, Iraq was a stimulus package. I'm also calling bullshit on proping up general motors, and bailing out AIG so that GS could get their cash. All repeats of failed government socialist actions.

    If the american left wants to set Sweden as an example, then how about social welfare cuts to make them fiscally responsible? Emulate the new sweden and not the old.

    Sweden will not be so swell in a few decades. If the Muslims don't assimilate, then there could be a fascist revolution.
    #16     Jul 26, 2009
  7. Eight


    Hey you Square Heads, get out there and assimilate some Muslims.. the clock is ticking...

    What genius decides to have a bunch of Muslim immigrants in the first place? What's with all this weird self destructive stuff that I keep hearing about? Muslims have a book that tells them to kill you or turn you into a second class citizen and you bring droves of them to where you live? BRILLIANT, let's hear it for Europeans, Kudos too while we're at it...
    #17     Jul 26, 2009
  8. TGregg


    Mav, you consistently confuse the message with the purpose. The message of massive government spending is that they are doing it all to help us. I suspect few fully buy into that. The concept that you don't get something for nothing (TANSTAAFL) is too ingrained still.

    But the purpose, now there's some motivation. The purpose is equal misery. The poor have been taught for generations that the reason they are poor is because rich people took all their money. That if a rich guy makes a dollar, that's one less dollar for them. That if some upper class family takes too many slices of pizza, then the poor family is stuck with the box for dinner.

    Ask around. The concept that the economy itself is a zero sum game is widely held.

    So if some bad things happen and impact the rich more than the poor, that's a good thing by these standards. Indeed, they encourage the actions and politics that bring this about. If they can bring a rich guy out of his mansion to live next door to them in some rat-infested dump, that's a thing worth doing!

    Don't believe me? I offer Detroit Michigan as an excellent example. 50 years of high taxes, rampant corruption, horrible living conditions and are they making things better, have they looked at their results and said "this sucks, let's do things the right way"? No. They are holding fast to their course. They stay true because they are acheiving what they want.

    And now much of the country is moving in that direction.
    #18     Jul 27, 2009
  9. Eight


    There wasn't much of a point, what's your point? JK

    I think I was working to point out that there is nothing in the US to keep us from going the way Sweden did... but if blacks would wake up and get off the Democrat plantation they could have jobs in the private sector and become Republicans and then the Democrats would be out of power because without the black vote they are nobodies..
    #19     Jul 27, 2009
  10. Mav88


    Don't believe me? I offer Detroit Michigan as an excellent example. 50 years of high taxes, rampant corruption, horrible living conditions and are they making things better, have they looked at their results and said "this sucks, let's do things the right way"? No. They are holding fast to their course. They stay true because they are acheiving what they want.

    And now much of the country is moving in that direction.

    What a price to pay for 'revenge' on the well to do and achievers.

    Can anyone, ANYONE, offer up any evidence at all that medicare, especially medicare bought with borrowed money, is an economic boon. I know it makes people feel good, but has it ever in the last 100 years made any nation an economic powerhouse?

    We all know the answer don't we. What a damn shame. This type of politics, pandering to the dumb and nonproductive, is suicide.
    #20     Jul 27, 2009