US occupation plans for Iraq?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jbtrader23, Oct 12, 2002.

  1. Babak


    wow! its that hard to come up with an example, huh?
    #21     Oct 12, 2002
  2. No, its very easy... I leave it you you to enhance your knowledge... the more that people use their brains to think these issues through the better, in my view... so go and learn, learn, learn... enjoy your journey of discovery, Brother Babak... when you learn what I have learnt (and what caused me to change my views from a guy who wanted to bomb the Arabs to a guy who views them as victims of American imperialism), you will have arrived!!
    #22     Oct 12, 2002
  3. smokey_mcPaat

    smokey_mcPaat Guest

    yup, this idiot IS talking out of his ass- just name ONE incident of american terrorism- that is all babak and i are asking for- if you can't, admit you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about, which seems to be the case.
    #23     Oct 12, 2002
  4. smokey_mcPaat

    smokey_mcPaat Guest

    are you fucking kidding me? the arabs are victims of oppression by the USA? give me a break. those shit-eating camelhumpers are better off with any assistance we give them- they are a piss poor, third- world region who hates us for what we have and engages in cowardly terrorism against us a their perverted sense of "justice" there are many, normal, tolerant arab people, but the fanatics like osama and sadaam are worthless and a plague on our people. send in the B-52's dubya!!!
    #24     Oct 12, 2002
  5. Yes I left and some amercian friends asked me to post again...

    So several things concerning your point of view that can be of course considered as reasonnable and logical by many americans but they are not... 10 years of embargo brought 1.5 million people killed and among them a lot of children.

    The USA helped europe to rebuild after the second world war and that was a good point. But don't forget that it is thanks to the war in Europe that the USA became the world power number one and the USA "sold" a lot of arms to its allies....

    BUT WHY HELPING europeans.... I think that history is good but if you bring all the facts not just a part.... There was the soviet union and it was key for the USA to help its allies at that time because the USA was not the only power....

    Now, if you're talking democracies and civil rights I will say stop immediately....

    Africans remember that Lumumba was killed by The CIA, as well as many great men and democrats.... Moboutou one of the bloodiest dictator in Africa replaced Lumumba thanks to the USA...

    The Apartheid was not choking the successive US governements... The USA and the UK were not implemeting an embargo on South Africa and yet it was a "democracy" violating the most elementary human rights....

    The country that holds the sad record of violating all the UN resolutions and the biggest number of UN resolutions is not Iraq but Israel.... and yet it is amrica best ally....
    #25     Oct 12, 2002

    Second, Israel’s war against the Palestinians would not be possible without U.S. military and economic support -- $3 billion a year in direct aid. While the whole world stands against Israel’s occupation, our government provides the political and diplomatic cover that allows Israel to flout international law. Specific Israeli policies sometimes draw mild criticisms from U.S. leaders, and those criticisms have grown stronger in recent days as Israel has ignored calls for a pullback of forces. But Israel can continue to ignore the international consensus -- and the U.N. Security Council resolutions calling on it to end the occupation -- because of U.S. support.

    We are told repeatedly that Israel desperately wants peace. If that is true, why has the number of Israeli settlers living in the West Bank and Gaza almost doubled since the Oslo peace process began nearly a decade ago? Given that those settlements are one of the most serious obstacles to a peaceful solution, why would the Israeli governments -- Labor and Likud alike -- expand settlements in territory it illegally occupies during a so-called peace process?
    crazy isnt it .... Babak how can you explain that.... I don't know but there is something I don't get.... so you're talking about helping Iraqis and then you enable Israel to violate all the UN rules. You're talking about Japan and Germany who fought against The Usa .... But from what I know Iraq bever ever attacked the USa... It attacked Koweit and was given a pass by the USa... Iraq was also armed by the USa...

    Also read this...
    #26     Oct 12, 2002
  7. marcD


    Ah.....another brilliant post by Smokey. What do you know about me? Not one thing. Other than I think you are a dangerous moron!

    And a bigot.

    And a racist.

    And an obviously angry at the world kind of guy.

    And my wife doesn't think I am gay, however a homophobe like you either is a closet case, or a mental case. Most likely both.

    And you are right about me being a "piker". I can't trade profitably. Not yet, but at least I have the resources to learn from my errors. And I can do it from either my house in town, or my house in the mountains. Both of which are paid for in full. So no matter what, I will always be in better shape financially than a redneck uneducated hillbilly like you. And I will always have my 3 daughters to make me proud. Unlike you, who I would be willing to bet will NEVER have a family. How do I know this? It's easy to recognize people that are incapable of loving or being loved. You are one of them. I would pity you if you weren't such a nasty (you fill in the blank.....your style, not mine).

    You truly are an embarrassment to America. And obviously, this is the majority opinion of all who have read your vicious posts.

    Have a nice day.
    #27     Oct 12, 2002
  8. tampa


    So what have we done to piss off the Arab world? Someone wanted just one example of our wrongdoing. How about this one.

    In the early part of the 20th Century anti-Semites in Europe as well as here came up with a nifty idea to solve the Jewish problem. Create a new place to dump Jews. They called it Israel. Guess who one of the biggest supporters for a Jewish homeland was – go on take a guess. Hitler.

    Many good arguments can be brought forward for the right of the jewish people to have their own nation, but the fact of the matter is that the original idea was conceived by bigots only interested in getting the Jews out of the West. And if that caused a problem in the Middle East, - tough, too bad.

    You may have noticed that it is a problem to this very day.

    Sixty plus years of killing and violence, endorsed and paid for by the US and it’s European allies, just to have a place to dump unwanted Jews is more or less viewed as terrorism by the folks who have had to deal with it.

    But what the hey – “fuck em’” – nuke em’ – and then show them how decent we are by sending in Gen. Tommy to help them rebuild.
    #28     Oct 12, 2002
  9. Rigel


    I don't know about anyone else but I'm tired of hearing about bombs going off, airplanes crashing, and guys named Sheik and Marwan and Abdulla. Life's too short.
    #29     Oct 13, 2002
  10. Just because you are against Bush's policies doesn't automatically make you a "bleeding heart liberal". I'm strictly independent.

    We have done an aweful lot of good in the world. If you look at the glass half full, shit, we helped beat fascism, we saved Western Europe, we beat the Communists, we promote democracy around the world. We've done alot right in the last 100 years.

    But look at our screw ups too. Disasterous CIA involvment in Iran, the middle east, Africa, etc. Supplied our "allies" Saddam and Osama in the 1980's.

    Look at us now. We are now acting as if we are above the law. When we rebuilt Germany and Japan, did it go against what the rest of the world wanted? Did we act "above the law" then? Did we have a "go it alone" attitude? Us versus the rest of the world.

    We didn't have this Cowboy mentality with an imperialistic agenda.

    When you are controlling the other 95% of the worlds population and you have a "go it alone" attitude,.....that is going to create alot of problems.
    #30     Oct 13, 2002