US occupation plans for Iraq?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jbtrader23, Oct 12, 2002.

  1. Thanks for your message and to Candle's also.

    I know for sure that all the american are not like this Smokey. But what is sad is that it is the camp of those bullies that is in power and wants to occupy Iraq...

    If it was only fuck Saddam then I would have said I am also there but the Iraqi people has nothing to do in here... Enough suffering of innocent people...

    #11     Oct 12, 2002
  2. smokey_mcPaat

    smokey_mcPaat Guest

    you know what- [bleep] you pussy liberals too that don't like what i think- i could care less about what you have to say- you are the kind of people that take this country's freedoms and priveleges for granted- our ancestors fought and died for this country to preserve our way of life and not one of you pussies would take up arms and fight when our liberties are threatened. i am not a bigot- i don't "hate' people because of the area in which they live- i just feel that if someone would try to kill me because of where i live (that i am an american) then they are a threat and need to be taken down. we need to protect our way of life and assholes like sadaam need to be terminated to put an end to these shenanigans. and yes, unlike some of you i am proud to be an american and i don't forget the deaths of members of my family, fighting in our wars to protect the freedoms that i and you enjoy today. americans have fought to preserve our way of life before in numerous wars and now once again, we must squash an enemy- were our wars wrong before? why is it different now when we are fighting iraq? you people sadden me- if you hate america and won't fight for it, get the fuck out.
    #12     Oct 12, 2002
  3. smokey_mcPaat

    smokey_mcPaat Guest

    hey marcd- fuck you too.
    you are one of the "pussy bleeding heart liberals" who wouldn't fight for our country and takes our lifestyle for granted- you are a sad sack of shit.

    and marcD- what is that? sounds like a gay name from a boy band
    you are probably just another piker who can't trade profitably anyways.

    what the hell? surely there are others that feel sadaam is a threat to us and his tactics are outlandish- he needs to be terminated- end of story.
    #13     Oct 12, 2002
  4. There are 3 possibilities here:

    1) Smokey is another incarnation of Brother Faster Pussy Cat... in which case, he is merely having an innocuous laugh on these boards... in which case I greet you, my Brother...
    2) Smokey is actually a rational person taking sarcasm to the extreme, to illustrate the sheer stupidity of American foreign policy...
    3) Smokey's comments are made genuinely, in which case I pity his intellect

    1) and 2) are acceptable from my perspective... 3) is somewhat regrettable but let's hope Smokey is not a genuine nutcase :eek:
    #14     Oct 12, 2002
  5. Babak


    Please let us continue to be civil in our dialogue gentlemen.

    Now about the topic at hand, there is some talk that the US is thinking about establishing a temporary military presence after the war. Why is this such a shock?

    It is actually a very prudent and wise move. After the fall of Saddam, Iraq will most probably splinter due to ethnic and power differences. The US would be acting as a glue to keep the country together and save it from falling into anarchy where the potential for innocent deaths is much larger.

    We can find instances of this in past history. Look at Japan. After the war the US occupied Japan for many years and helped to rebuild that country. They sent specialists and experts for everything from the constiution to engineers (such as Deming who sparked the Japanese industrial revolution). At the end Japan was left with a rebuilt infrastructure, strong system of laws and police as well as a powerful new trading partner.

    Another example is Germany. The same scenario unfolded with them. The US stayed behind and helped tremendously to rebuild that country until they could get back on their feet.

    These are historical facts. In each case the US acted as a catalyst for the improvement of the country and helped launch great economies which went on to even rival its own!

    Now the US is contemplating doing the same for Iraq and instead of cheers it is greeted with jeers. I find this puzzling. Anyone who knows history would understand that if this were indeed to happen it would mean that Iraq would improve tremendously and become the envy of the Middle East within a decade.

    I am baffled why the US is looked at as such a source of evil when in the past its actions have shown otherwise.

    Personally I am left to conclude that those with an axe to grind will always have something to gripe about. Just as I am sure that when the US was occupying Japan, there were those who in their myopia jeered and pronounced the US as an imperialst. And again so with Germany.

    Let them. History will show how small and insignificant was their vision and how great and positive was the actual outcome.

    ps tradefut2000, welcome back! I thought you said that you were finished with this board? :confused: In anycase, I would ask that you please refrain from pm'ing vitriol laden messages and calling me a 'fascist' as it really is not becoming.
    #15     Oct 12, 2002
  6. smokey_mcPaat

    smokey_mcPaat Guest

    babak- i know you are trying to police these boards, but i would appreciate it if you would not edit my posts and instead allow me to fully express myself- one of our great freedoms that is suppressed in so many other countries.
    and i am with you, i can not understand why these liberals have these "moral" objections to fighting for our freedoms- its just a harsh reality of life, but the solution is not to ignore those who threaten us and allow them to continue with their cowardly acts of terrorism- it is to put an end to it quickly and decisively.
    #16     Oct 12, 2002
  7. I am really fed up with acts of terrorism by the USA, resulting in acts of revenge terror such as September 11... occupying Iraq to secure oil supplies is such a transparent move, that further revenge acts for this act of thievery are bound to follow... if the US policy makers want to protect the people, they should cease creating enemies the world over...
    #17     Oct 12, 2002
  8. Babak


    candle, I know that this is a separate issue, but could you please give us an example of one act of terrorism done by the US which resulted in the act of revenge such as Sept 11 ? Thanks.
    #18     Oct 12, 2002
  9. smokey_mcPaat

    smokey_mcPaat Guest

    yeah- just one- prove that you are not just talking out of your ass.
    #19     Oct 12, 2002
  10. I suggest you read up on US activities in the Middle East, you will find your answers there... open your eyes to the facts, and all will become apparent...
    #20     Oct 12, 2002