US govt funding terrorists

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Grandluxe, Jul 26, 2011.


    By David Ariosto, CNN
    July 26, 2011 -- Updated 0303 GMT (1103 HKT)

    Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A U.S. military task force has discovered that part of a $2.16 billion transportation contract was diverted through a murky network of subcontractors and into the hands of a group of Afghan power-brokers, criminals and Taliban insurgents, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.

    In one instance, $7.4 million was transferred into the bank account of a "low-level police officer."

    After a series of transactions, including multiple withdraws, officials then traced $3.3 million in weapons, explosives and cash transfers "to the enemy," the source said.

    Government officials are currently pursuing corrective actions against the trucking firms, including suspensions and limits on work, though all eight companies still remain on the U.S. payroll.

    US govt is so rich, they have money to pay the enemy to fight themselves. LOL:D
  2. dtan1e


    hahaha, thats funny, guess they figured if there's no terrorists they can't justify the war on terror expenses
  3. After a series of transactions, including multiple withdraws, officials then traced $3.3 million in weapons, explosives and cash transfers "to the enemy," the source said.


    Ha! I think there's a book coming out, I post a link later, fascinating bs how we're fighting the war with cash/bribes.
  4. Bob111


    i remember article,about one guy,who was trying to publish the book about something similar. it's been withdrawn from books shelves. literally. it was like year much for freedom of speech and press...
  5. As of November of last year, US taxpayers spent over $900 billion on the Iraq War. Of that, $9 billion has gone missing or is unaccounted for, along with $549.7 million in spare parts and 190,000 guns.

    Indeed, the fraud, waste and abuse of US taxpayer money in Afghanistan and Iraq isn’t one-sided; US contracting firms are also implicated in the loss of billions of dollars. All of which makes Whiteley’s new book, “Father of Money: Buying Peace in Baghdad,” that much more frightening and important. He writes of learning, quickly, that no amount of military might or peaceful propaganda could compete for the allegiance of Iraqi citizens the way the US dollar could.

    ".....The Turk agreed, then handed Whiteley $20,000, still in original US Treasury wrapping."

    Whiteley’s battalion commander could approve requests for up to $50,000 and his brigade commander $100,000; forms would be filled out, and the requesting soldier would drive to the Green Zone and essentially make a monster withdrawal from the bank. At most, Whiteley would pay his contractors $10,000 and use the surplus as he saw fit.

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