Us Fed..... Stock Speculation Matters.....Commodity Speculation Does Not Matter

Discussion in 'Trading' started by libertad, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Prices do not know their name.

    It has been recommended by both Paulson-GS and Bernanke-(pro socializing WS losses) that...

    1) Excessive speculation is detrimental to stock prices

    2) Excessive speculation is not detrimental to oil contract prices

    Therefore it is speculation that is harmful in stocks ....prices going down.....granting special priviledge to the large WS firms versus the public..........

    And it is speculation that is not harmful in commodities.....prices going up..........

    Down is up....and up is down according to Paulson and Bernanke......

    Thus the message that the US Treasury and the Fed are sending is clear......

    Just for a reminder ....... the upper 1% of the US population controls 80% of the wealth which is concentrated on WS......

    Now it has become quite clear that the upper 1% own the US Government as well.......and are clearly exercising their self perceived priviledge to privatize/capitalize the gains......and socialize the losses......


    It has become quite clear that a new form of government must be implemented.....

    A truely democratic one.......

    The 1% 80% is not going to work......The US Gummint is broken.....
  2. Now it has become quite clear that the upper 1% own the US Government as well.......and are clearly exercising their self perceived priviledge to privatize/capitalize the gains......and socialize the losses


    I'd say it is pretty easy ot come up with examples to confirm this (socializing the losses) but on the flip side the gov't has no problem trying to correct social problems and social engineering into private business.

    Lowering qualifications to accomdate minority hires to meet gov't quotas resulting in mediocre work force in business. Enacting fines for hiring illegals. It is not corporate Americas job to police its population.
  3. bighog

    bighog Guest

    There is a difference between speculation and manipulation. Speculation is nothing more than someone taking risk from someone else in hopes of making a legit profit. Manipulation is taking advantage of ill conceived regulations with the intent to manipulate. Did i mention Phil Gramm?

    Nutcase....... You fail to understand the difference of someone needing a helping hand or someone looking for a handout. Are you saying it is ok to bail out wall street and the system because a few homeowners signed on the dotted line when they were given a bill of goods that was a scam and NOT ok to give them some slack and give all the slack to the bad guys.?

    PS: It is just fine when stock prices are in a bubble and the limited supply of stocks go up in value from speculation ............... now commodities going up from limited supply, (supply and demand) thats a different srory. ha face it until all the loose sloppy money sloshing around the world is sopped up by deflation etc, these bubbles will continue. Housing deflation is just the begining?