US Broker for Foreign Equities ?

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by dg1, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. dg1


    I am looking for a USA based broker that will enable me to trade small asian stocks (Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, ect).

    The only firm I can find so far with this offering is Schwab. The commision comes out to about 0.5% each way (they give you spot for FX, so there is not cost to convert currency). I am not sure how competitive this is..

    Also, I am not a trader, so I am more concerned with market product breath, vs. bare bones commision.

    For accounting/tax purposes, I do not want to open an account overseas.

    Many Thanks
  2. mokwit


    ML, Citigroup etc have institutional coverage but may offer access on private client side. Would be an obvious ones to look at if full service comm is not an issue. Has research coverage agreements. Maybe you can execute via US account, but I think they are just institutional. Let me know if you find out that you can execute through them as a retail investor.
  3. dg1


    According to the website they do not work with retail investors.