Updated Obama scoundrel list...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gord, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Dead soldiers are not "stupid."
    #31     Oct 29, 2008
  2. The interest is a long ways from "crippling", presently. It's as low as we'll ever see it. Leftists like you love to post stock market comparisons between Presidents but there is only one market politicians are directly responsible: government debt markets. If Treasuries ever "go Carter" it's game over for the Federal government. As a trader I'll certainly do my part.....

    #32     Oct 29, 2008
  3. Gord


    No - that's reserved for the idiot that posts their pictures with selfserving captions...
    #33     Oct 29, 2008
  4. Rashid Khalidi - friend, Obamas babysat his children
    Pro-Palestinian anti-Semite, supports suicide bombing

    This is a classic considering McSame gave this guy half a million a few years ago:

    During the 1990s, while he served as chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI), McCain distributed several grants to the Palestinian research center co-founded by Khalidi, including one worth half a million dollars.

    A 1998 tax filing for the McCain-led group shows a $448,873 grant to Khalidi's Center for Palestine Research and Studies for work in the West Bank. (See grant number 5180, "West Bank: CPRS" on page 14 of this PDF.)

    The relationship extends back as far as 1993, when John McCain joined IRI as chairman in January. Foreign Affairs noted in September of that year that IRI had helped fund several extensive studies in Palestine run by Khalidi's group, including over 30 public opinion polls and a study of "sociopolitical attitudes.""

    McCain's bad judgment comes through again as he allows an attack on a subject where he is on quicksand.


    #34     Oct 29, 2008
  5. Gord


    Big deal... yawn...

    The list is about associations. Obama has been associated with a virtual Palestinian terror cell...
    #35     Oct 29, 2008
  6. comments from people who would like McSame to talk about issues:
    The choice of Sarah Palin shows blatant disregard for this country's welfare. If John drops dead one year into his term, what's going to happen to the country? Who will step in to be the puppetmaster --- Like Dick Cheney was? Liz, Washington
    You have done nothing but try to divide this wonderful country. No hero would actually do that if he loved his country. -- Wendy, Connecticut
    The McCain - Palin ticket does not represent me or true patriotic Americans. -- Democrat, California
    I don't believer that John McCain is looking out for the best interests of the majority of Americans. I believe that he would not survive his presidency and that, heaven help us all, Sarah Palin would end up being president of the United States... And that would be a tragedy to the nth degree... -- Robert, Democrat/Independent
    At one time, Senator McCain, I would have voted for you, and did when you ran for Senator in Arizona. But your erratic campaign policies, the hate-filled, venemous, racist and just plain nasty tactics you have unleased make me sick. I don't trust you at all. I've already voted for Sen. Obama. As for Gov. Palin, she's no more ready to lead this great nation than I am, the thought of which scares me greatly. Go into retirement Mr. McCain, your days are over, you're an old man and so am I, 5 years your senior. Clean up the final weeks of your campaign, stash the trash and go out with dignity, if there's any left. -- Max, Democrat
    I resent your campaign's deceptive methods, bending the truth and phony guilt by association charges. You are destroying democracy and hurting our country. -- Gail, California, Independent
    Of McCain and Palin's lies and distortions. They are inciting hatred, bigotry, violence, and division and need to be stopped. They will say or do anything to gain power and don't give a darn about the middle class. -- Mary Ann, Florida, Independent
    I want McCain to know that we are fed up with dirty politics that encourage division and foster hate. And Sarah Palin is clearly NOT qualified to be president, or even VP. As a woman, I find his choice of a "trophy VP" (who he clearly wants to be seen but not heard) an insult. -- Xan, Virginia, Independent
    I have been a lifelong Republican.....until now! I received one of the disgusting "robocalls" and I absolutely abhor the tactics that MY Republican Party has lowered themselves too. I cannot stand the blatant racism, lies, and smear tactics coming out of my once revered party. I have been turned off by the group of sidekicks, especially the once termed "maverick" that John McCain USED to pretend to be. I say pretend because, apparently Thucydides was absolutely correct. We do NOT have true virtue (excellence), we are driven by necessity. When you face desperate times, you take desperate measures to ensure survival. Well Mr. Maverick, NOT THIS TIME! You need to be sent to the retirement home. I will be casting my FIRST presidential vote for the Democratic ticket since I have been legally allowed to vote.....24 years. -- Dwight, Ohio, Republican
    I am from Alaska and the pick of our Govenor was the wost pick possible. She has made Alaskans look stupid and by John Mccain picking her he shows his poor judgement. Just like he has with the hateful campaign and totally erratic campaign. By the way I voted for Palin as she took on her party. The good thing is through this horrendous pick we have learned that she is/was as bad as the rest of the Republicans that are about to be/or have been found guilty of all kinds of bribes and unethical behavior. Mccain/palin STOP IT. -- Kelley, Alaska, Independent
    I am shocked and embarrassed at your smear campaign. Those robocalls are uncalled for, and now parents are worried because kids answer the phone and it scares them. I have no confidence in your judgment, not only by the smear campaign you are running, but your judgment on your choice of a vice-president. You are definitely not putting country first. You are putting yourself first. -- Shirley, California, Democrat
    I am deeply disturbed how the negativity of the McCain/Palin is attempting to divide our country. Your lies that a U.S. Senator is a terrorist should be a crime. May God have mercy on your soul! If you believe in God, that is! I doubt it. At what price do you want to be president Mr. McCain. I can't even bring myself to call you a senator anymore. And to think I once thought of you as a great man. Shame on you both! -- Shaaron, Maryland, Democrat
    The man I supported in NH and Mass in 2000 is gone. -- Kevin, Oregon, Independent
    I honestly don't know where to start. Palin is an embarrassing attempt at a gimmick, to start. McCain can never admit when he's wrong. He's a self-serving, misogynistic, character-less, angry, lying crony who makes me ashamed to be an Arizona resident. The campaign he is running is shameful and he should be embarrassed an devastated that this will be his legacy. I have never seen such a gross display of desperation in my life. And he has no regard for the truth. Just shameful. -- Amanda, Arizona, Republican
    I attended Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va. with you, John McCain, until 1952. You have stated William Ravenel was your mentor, friend, and teacher. He was also my teacher, and were he alive today, I feel he would be incredibly disappointed in the way you have conducted your presidential campaign, largely devoid of those aspects of honor and integrity which were part of your character foundation at EHS and later at the Naval Academy. -- Paris, Democrat
    I want a president who can maintain his composure in all circumstance, be articulate, diplomatic, respectful with a background that enables him to be empathetic and humble. A president who can relate to the everyday struggles of the lower/middle class population. Someone who will champion against the wrongs in the current administration while inspiring us to believe in our government again. Someone who will lead by example. John McCain is none of the above. -- Paula, Florida, Independent
    By chosing Palin as VP you showed the country how little you thought of us. We are not stupid and the transparency of that pick is quite evident. As a women I would only vote for a well seasoned, competent, intelligent woman. -- Mart, North Carolina
    Your first decision about Miss Sarah was the final straw!!!! -- S., Florida, Republican
    #36     Oct 29, 2008
  7. Gord


    The few I looked at all sounded like Kool Aid drinkers...
    #37     Oct 29, 2008
  8. Well I consider $261 billion in interest per year crippling, but okay.

    Well as a "leftist" I agree that it's quite possible now that the debt won't be paid down before interest rates rise drastically again.

    By the way, if I'm a "leftist" who is obviously being realistic that there won't be any balanced budget in the near future, who opposes bailouts, and who opposes nation building -- what are you?

    And you didn't comment on McCain's plan to balance the budget in one term. Obviously you have a brain and think that's stupid and just gross pandering.
    #38     Oct 29, 2008
  9. Since you have such contempt and indifference for recognizing soldier's sacrifices, I can see why you haven't volunteered to go to Iraq.

    I've had two Canadian acquaintances volunteer to go to Afghanistan recently -- but then they have more character than you do.
    #39     Oct 29, 2008
  10. McCain on his good buddy Charlie Keating:

    "Charlie Keating, his family and associates donated over $100,000 for my first campaign, and for each of the two that followed. That was a hell of a lot of money in those days.... Supporters like Charlie were not easy to come by for a first-time candidate, and I made damn sure that he knew how much I appreciated his support.

    More important, I became friends with Charlie, his family, and many of the top executives and employees of his company. "
    #40     Oct 29, 2008