Unending nightmare for Sony. LulzSec announces 2 new massive hacks on SNE.

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by wilburbear, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. 17 mins. ago via twitter:

    "The Lulz Boat
    LulzSec The Lulz Boat
    Just hit 50,000 followers. Thank you, twitter! In celebration, Sony hack 16 & 17 coming up soon! #Sownage #Celebration
    17 minutes ago"

    Sony said they "battened down the hatches", and secured user data about 2 weeks ago.

    But, LulzSec tells them every time what happened: it's the same kind of hack - an SQL injection!

    Look for data later today.
  2. topeak


    i sold my ps3
  3. dont


    serves them right, these are the a-holes that released the first rootkit.