Unemployment by County - Cool Chart

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Cdntrader, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. huh


    Yup its called the US government. Has either party balanced the budget since Clinton? Has either party stopped the ponzi schemes that litter the US social spending? Both had a shot, Bush and his band of retards didn't balance the budget, didn't do a damn thing about government spending, 2 wars with no war tax, health care costs rising every year, still did nothing about instituting a flat tax (since both parties support a graduated tax system they are in fact SOCIALISTS)

    Now we have Obama and his band of retards and we get no stop in the ponzi schemes in the US social spending, isn't doing a damn thing about eliminating govt spending deficits, 2 wars and STILL no war tax, health care costs rising every year, still no flat tax.....wow sounds like a pretty familair story.

    So waht exactly is the difference between the parties except one comes in a pile of dog shit in a blue bag and the other is a pile of shit in a red bag. At the end of the day regardless of red or blue dog shit you get deficit spending, Socialism in the form of a graduated tax system, Socialism in the form of BS stimulus packages, unpaid for wars, rising health care costs, a generation continuing to financially rape future generations with no end in sight......so how exactly does it matter if the government is controlled by the blue bag of dog shit or red bag of dog shit when this whole polictical process stinks.

    If you can't tell my company had its "benefits" meeting last friday where we were informed that once again we get pay freezes and our health care is going up by 17.5% so I'm not exactly a happy camper :mad:
    Oh and the UNH rep kept defending the hike by blaming "The new health care plan" repeatedly and when asked well how much would the increase have been without it he said it would have still been around 13%. So I asked well where'd the 13% increase come from as that seems to be more disturbing than anything else and the response I got was "general costs are going up" and didn't want to elaborate.....
    #31     Aug 19, 2010