Understanding E-Minis: Trading To Win

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by lwlee, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. lwlee


    Anyone have an opinion on this book? Author is Jerry Williams and the ISBN is 0934380902.

    There are very few books specifically on the topic of trading the SP e-mini. Any recommendations on books that would help?
  2. Are you available to do some proof reading?
  3. That book looks like an infomercial book about S&P e-mini without much about trading.

    A great book about trading the big S&P futures contract is "West of Wall Street".
  4. lwlee


    Go to traderspress.com. It has the table of content. Author goes into TA. I'll look into WofWS.

  5. Yeah... that book looks like a great book for a beginning e-mini trader. A great introductory book.
  6. lwlee


    WofWS was published in '87. Does anyone have a more recent book that deals with the current eletronic tradng environment?