Underground Trading Books that Nobody Knows About..

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Bullz n Bearz, Aug 26, 2007.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I understand we are all students of the market, I read every new book that comes out still, I still go to seminars all the time etc. At this point its very rare that I pick up something new, but I still go..but in any event, I have a question for you: You are obviously still very early in your trading journey, which is fine, but why don't you disclose that to the people you are "teaching" on Utube. It's the only fair and ethical thing to do and I don't know how you look yourself in the mirror otherwise. When I started doing a chatroom for example I'd been profitable for just over 1 year and I was very nervous about this: I'd been asked by a very successful site to run a swingtrading room for them after they saw my results, but I felt like "jeez, I have not done this for very long, what the hell do I know" and so I made it a point with them that I had to be very clear with people that I had only been profitable for a year. I figured it would sink the business, but it did not, we still ended up with a few hundred people willing to pay $150 a month, which I think just goes to show how crazy things where back in 98/99.

    Now I will say this: Teaching is the greatest thing I ever did. Not only did I make a lot of money @ it that I was able to use to live on and put back into my accounts, but I learned at an accelerated rate. To this day, I've been very ill for over a year now, but I still have a few free "students" who I help out as much as possible because I learn a ton by teaching. It's the same concept as teaching in martial arts, you learn a ton as you teach and everyone does it. So, I do applaud your teaching, both because of the benefit it will have for you, and the potential benefit it will have to those watching your videos, but I do wish you would disclose where you are as a trader to the people who are listening to your presentations.


    #21     Aug 27, 2007
  2. I hope you're not referring to this as a "service to other traders"..

    The camera zoomed in on his face while he's mindlessly rambling at 2 words per minute about the "bull's having won"? This actually makes WizeTradeTV look Emmy worthy...
    #22     Aug 27, 2007
  3. Brandon, to simply disclose my answer to your fine point:

    Before I started trading, I worked for a private real estate investor doing research on the housing market , various retail statisics on where most of the consumers are looking to spend money on low-mid ranged housing, also, I spent 10+ hours a day for over 2 years reading and figuring out on my own how our economy works in tandum to the global setting, how the US government and economy has changed since the 1913's federal reserve inception and all the debt and overbuying our nation turned because of it, and more. I then put this knowledge into workable format to show this information to can be applied to the US markets to generate money from them.(Remember, the videos currently up to not disclose what i'm mentioning right here, however once i start adding the BullnBear Method up more people will see this knowledge work into fruition on my youtube page.)

    The BullNBear Method I teach on youtube challenges the simple "follow my system" method that you can buy anywhere on the net mainly due to it being free and having strong principle behind its functioning. I have loads of thought-provoking research from my 2+ years that will tie into the big picture of things on my youtube page.

    So no, I do not feel unworthy of posting my videos of sharing my experience and possibly helping out new traders/and old. I am just sharing my proud experience , not just my recent trading experience(which yes, started out lackluster but has improved greatly since i'm finally awakening from the societal-matrix and applying the truth that i've learned from books written by high status professors, well known traders, etc.

    the learning never stops for me , Brandon and along the way, i teach what i currently know at this time and i know that my knowledge will grow as i continue my studies so maybe someone else can be enlightened through the path that i chose to learn. this is what i mean by i'm always a student of the markets, not just as a trader but as a highly commited researcher as well(with background experience in a professional day trading firm but that's different than the research aspect).

    god bless you
    #23     Aug 27, 2007