underground.com book by Jea Yu

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by AnonTrader, Mar 26, 2002.

  1. The results posted of UT's "trades" are indeed hypothetical entries and exits. Last I looked no times were posted on exits. An examination of entries and exits will show the trades are hypothetical.

    The greatest difference is in the management of paper trades and real trades. They simply do not align because you have to go get filled in the real world, but on paper, you just jot down the current price.

    We all have incredible success on paper.

    But if you enjoy UT, bon chance and mazeltov!
    #11     Mar 28, 2002
  2. Yannis



    Excellent point - I agree, and yet, I feel I'm right too.

    Here's what I mean: I have a PhD in Theoretical Physics - every bit as challenging and useful as any PhD in Experimental Physics. And yet, I never ran a real experiment, or built a real measuring device - just analyzed data built theories. Useful? You bet. The same? Nope!

    What I want from a good "trading coach" is to help ME make some $$ - regardless of whether they make some too. Do you see my point?

    Now, if he/she cannot make any real money from direct trading for themselves, can they help me make money? It, really, depends on the situation!! The proverbial, definite maybe :)
    #12     Mar 28, 2002