Under the shadow of the Iraq war, Israel practices asassination....

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ARogueTrader, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. Indeed then the US should stop hunting Osama Bin Laden, because assassinating the leader of Al Quida will not stop their cause, which is to free the world from the hard fist rule of the capitalist devils.
    #11     Apr 17, 2004
  2. Really? :confused:

    Where does history show the ending of an uprising of an occupied people through assassination?
    #12     Apr 17, 2004

  3. Hamas is an extremist militant group. Their philosophy opposes peace or negotiation, rather they will only settle for the removal of all Jews from the total land of Israel. Hamas does not want a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders, rather they want a state in the entire land of Israel.

    The occupied Palestinian people do not have the same goals as the Hamas. The Palestinian authority (official leadership) are also a rival group of the Hamas. Hamas's demise is a sad event only to the Hamas itself and to people who emphasize with it (i.e. Al Quida, Hizbulla, and some people in this forum as well).

    Just fyi.
    #13     Apr 17, 2004

  4. About 500 years of the Ottoman Empire the Balkans.
    #14     Apr 17, 2004
  5. If the cause is directly tied to the leader it is not a genuine cause.

    Had the British killed Washington and Jefferson, would America have surrendered their cause?

    #15     Apr 17, 2004
  6. If you have no attachment to the capitalist devils, nor the terrorist devils, you see them simply both as devils.

    #16     Apr 17, 2004
  7. BSAM


    Hold up here a sec, res. You're trying to twist and "spin" here a bit on me.

    Here's what ART said: "You can't kill an idea with military means......"

    Now to elaborate on what I WAS TALKING ABOUT, rather than what YOU want me to talk about: A_ _ _ F H_ _ L _ R.

    Let's see if you can fill in the blanks.

    Caution resinate, you're in the no spin zone. (With apologies to Bill O'reilly) :)

    Gotta go out of town. See you guys later.

    50 cent and spect8or, I'll leave you guys in charge here.
    #17     Apr 17, 2004
  8. BSAM


    And a quick P.S.: We didn't have to assassinate him. A.H. took care of that for us.
    #18     Apr 17, 2004
  9. I agree, it wont change anything since there are thousands people like him over there, it will only cause more brutal attacks.

    Arafat and Sharon are equal terrorists. which one is next to part this world?
    #19     Apr 17, 2004
  10. I guess this is a naive question since I am lucky enough I never had to serve in an army but these Apaches I have seen them flying, you can hear them from far away , I think they may have a silent flight mode or something but still how come their missiles always hit their target , don't you have time to get out of the way before the missile hits you, these missiles do limited and precise damages and it must take at least 5-10 sec. from the time it is fired and it hits its target right? they can't fire without being seen or heard can they?

    Anyway, I wonder what Monday's open is gonna be like.
    #20     Apr 17, 2004