Uncomfortable Questions For Comfortable Jews

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sunnyskies, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. I think terrorism is unreasonable, but understandable. Bin Laden is not a fool, nor is he crazy. He is simply powerless politically, so he resorts to violence. Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails. It is a bit like a pitcher who throws spit balls (cheating). He may know it is wrong, against the rules...but he really, really wants to win and thinks he can get away with it. Often he does.

    So I can understand unreasonable behavior, sure.

    I also think a woman having PMS is often unreasonable....but I can certainly sympathize with, and understand the hormonal condition that makes women crazy at times.

    I might not choose to be around it, but I can understand it. It is not an excuse for behavior, but it does help to understand behavior and the underlying causes.

    Unless you understand what powerlessness politically is, meshed with religion, you don't have much foundation to make your statements of terrorism being an innefective political tool.

    A moral hungry man, will steal to feed his starving family.

    It may be wrong, but it is a reasonable choice at times from the man's point of view.

    #21     Jul 22, 2005
  2. Let see in what we agree and disagree-----few questions!

    1. terrorism as a political tool----yes or no
    2. war in Iraq-----yes or no
    3. Jerusalem the capitol of Israel----yes or no
    4. Arafat -----terrorist ----yes or no
    5. patriot act ---yes or no
    6. is Egypt is friend or a foe of Israel----yes or no
    7. psychological availability concept ----true or false
    8. slavery reasonable----yes or no
    #22     Jul 22, 2005
  3. ZZZzzzzzzz, I never said that terrorism---is not ineffective----the only reason why it works (in short term) ----is because people like you getting in the so-called gray areas-------- unreasonable, but understandable----nonsense i personally know people who are very intelligent and rich-----but a are morally corrupted----“WHAT IS WRONG TO YOU IS RIGHT TO SOMEONE”-----is argument is corrupted to the core-----so lets not have criminal law or reduce the punishment because it so called understandable-----you are mistaken.
    #23     Jul 22, 2005
  4. 1. Terrorism is a political tool. Do I think terrorism is right action? If some stronger force than our military conquered the US, would the actions of some group of Wolverines in attempts to draw world attention to the occupation and regain freedom for Americans by suicide bombing be wrong?

    2. War in Iraq is a reality, but it was not necessary for the US to be involved nor start this illegal and unnecessary conflict. At this point the only solution I see is for the civilized world take responsibility for the people of Iraq.

    You don't let a rapist murderer who is the father of a bastard child raise the bastard child after he kills the mother of the child.

    3. Who has legal rights to Jerusulem? No idea. Show me the legal documents that would bring a resolution to this issue, that both parties entered into willingly. Be sure to show me the notarized signatures on this legal document.

    4. Arafat, was a terrorist for his cause.

    5. Patriot Act, not the soultion to the real problem.

    6. Egypt cares about the Egyptians, just as the Israelis care about the Jews.

    7. Explain further.

    8. Slavery was reasonable for those who reasoned it to be so. Is it now reasonable? No. Was it ever right? No. Did the framers think it was reasonable? Yes. Were they reasonable men? Yes. Have we evolved as a society? When I look at the regressive neocons, I am not sure...

    #24     Jul 22, 2005
  5. This is not an argument I can respond to. It is not an argument at all.

    It is just your opinion. I disagree.

    If you want to make an argument based on some foundation of a known fact or truth, go ahead, I can address that.

    #25     Jul 22, 2005
  6. I guess like rabbi Kahane stated----“we have smart bombs but no genius bombs”. I have to go now a feed my family.

    Good day
    #26     Jul 22, 2005
  7. traderob


    This explains many of your ridiculous posts.

    How "reasonable and non-judgemental you are.

    Does western civilisation have a hope? (this question is not for ZZZ type liberal "thinkers").
    #27     Jul 22, 2005
  8. It is amusing to me to watch folks post only selective aspects of some comments, and make assumptions accordingly.

    There is of course no dialogue, no challenge to the position, no counter argument....just judgment on those comments.

    Very much par for the course from the regressives....

    #28     Jul 22, 2005
  9. It is amusing to many of us to watch you post the above while you regularly cut and paste, make broad assumptions, disregard/evade relevant questions, obfuscate incessantly, and pass judgement.

    Very much par for the course from Zzeal10/Optional777/feefofum/etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....
    #29     Jul 22, 2005
  10. Indeed, Bin Laden committing mass murder against thousands of unarmed civilians is quite comparable to a hungry man who steals to feed his family. Absolutely brilliant analogy.

    Quite similarly, I point out that some people do not properly throw their used soda cans in the trash, but instead they throw <b>litter</b> on the ground. During WW2, Adolf Hitler did essentially the same thing. He <b>littered</b> Europe with millions of corpses. Who are we to judge which example is the more heinous of the two? Both men broke the law, and this is all we ivory tower intellectuals need concern ourselves with.
    #30     Jul 23, 2005