UNBELIEVABLE!!! Japanese credit rating agency questions US ability to repay debt

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by thriftybob, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. Last year gold zoomed at New Years if I recall. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether we look back and see this as the first domino going down.
    #11     Dec 24, 2008
  2. GW must be holding his tummy and laughing his head off with the MESS he is leaving the Dems with...!!!!?
    Obama will be kicking off while in it up to his neck already(What chance will he have(It's no wonder Reps didn't want Mccy to win))?!
    Has any President EVER left such a mess for the upcoming one before?
    #12     Dec 24, 2008
  3. That public works stuff is such bullshit. Who is going to do the work? Not the lazy ass welfare cheats nor will lazy ass x white collars workers.

    When Katrina went through NOLA the clean up was done by illegals because the lazy bastards in NOLA refused to work.

    Thank you Democrats for 70 years of fucking us over.
    #13     Dec 24, 2008
  4. Maybe some Japanese fixed income desks are ready to short some bonds.. :p
    #14     Dec 24, 2008
  5. tradersboredom

    tradersboredom Guest

    all wars have always been cause by 'economic turmoil'.

    US used to be creditor nation after world war 2

    wtf happened in the last 60 years====WAR COST

    Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Iran War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War.

    and still more cost to war and there isn't even a war.

    bailing out useless fat cat car companies and banks with taxpayers money(debt)

    in the last 10 years alone gov't debt is over increased by how much ---3 trillion! USD

    if US was corporation, it's insolvent, taxes will never pay the debt off for at least 100 years.

    #15     Dec 24, 2008
  6. tradersboredom

    tradersboredom Guest

    gov't expenditure on schools, welfare and infrastructure is peanuts compared to cost of wars.

    #16     Dec 24, 2008
  7. Every war we have been in this century was started with a democrat as prez. Democrats are failures in foreign policy so war is generally the result since they lack the guts it takes to head them off.

    This Iraqi war was neccessary because of Clinton's incomptence and the blame for this falls on him.
    #17     Dec 24, 2008
  8. This news, once again is not surprising. The only ones suprised on the sheeople and the idiots with their head in the sand.

    I doubt the US will announce 'Bankruptcy". However, the is not worth AAA credit rating on any of its GOV bonds.

    3 month treas. trading in the negitive is just the start. The 30 year seems to be at levels that do not reflect their true intrinsic vaule. (the yeilds are bullshit)

    The Asian Market has obsord so much of the US debt that they should warn the world of the "Intrinsic Value" of the US.

    Once again, I will say this again, WE ARE IN A DEPRESSION. 09 is going to be the year that many will realise this. Unemployment numbers at a 26 year high is just the start.

    As far as a War to push oil to 150....will that would help out my oil positions but IMHO, not gona happen.

    Socialism on a grand scale is more likley. OBAMA is very dangerous to the freemarkets and to capitalism. He will use the report by ASIA to force the US into a "Union" with the world.
    The US will fall into more Kaos and worse economic conditions until Obama uses the "Laws that we mus not question but have faith in at the moment they are passed". This was a direct warning from Biden to the American People before Obama was elected.

    IMHO, let the idiots (the people who voted for Obama) pay the heavy price that is coming to them. I could care less about my "Fellow" American who voted for OBAMA. The truth will come out when Obama nation has the largest class division in the history of the Nation. I am not in the "Class" that will suffer, that will have to depend on OBAMA to feed and cloth them and employ them. F*(& Obama Nation and its supporters.

    Asia is warning OBAMA. Read between the lines. The warning is that "Asia holds the cards and that the US better not think about Trade Protection, tarrif increases or "Asia bashing". Japan and China are not friends but both control the destiny of the US. Both have send warning shots to the new Prez Elect.

    The war that is coming is not a Military War but a War of Economics and Production.

    If the US does not get off its Lazy ass, stop employing a punch of paper pushing idiots, stop listening to the talking heads of Academics (Who are the biggest idiots), if the US continues to lay down to Unions and the Liberals who want the 5% to pay for the 95%. If the Politcal Powers and Morons on the street continue to bash the Wealthy, to bash the persuit of Wealth, America is doomed.

    We need to imbrace Private Companies, we need to spend "Tarp" money to create new Manufactures, to create new industries in Energy, Technology, fuel efficent Vehicals, Weapons,
    Infastructure (Which I agree with as far as Obama's plan) and go to a Flat Tax. We need to limit social programs and not allow them to be used for life unless the person is disabled.

    If we do not return to a Ruff and Tuff, Manufacturing based, Capitalistic Ideology, then let America Fall to the promises of Socialism.
    #18     Dec 24, 2008
  9. Me thinks we try to sucker China/Asia for another $2 trillion of debt, and THEN announce trade barriers, etc.

    Otherwise, whatever stimulus we pump in pours right back out via the trade deficit, putting us right back to needing to borrow more from them for more stimulus.

    But if we do that, there is no going back to the well...
    #19     Dec 24, 2008
  10. ipatent


    Look, the Japanese and Chinese are unhappy that the US has chosen to take all of the bad assets onto the Fed's balance sheet (= monetization) instead of the US Government's balance sheet (stimulus). It means that the bill for the bailout will be paid by all dollar holders and not just by the US taxpayer.

    This is a shot across the bow.
    #20     Dec 24, 2008