Ultra-Processed Food is good for you

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Pekelo, May 10, 2024.

  1. Pekelo


    Oh, studies, I love them! I love them all... A recent study on UPF tried to prove that it is really, really bad for you. But when you actually read it (well, who got the time?) the picture is quite a bit different.

    Now I didn't read the study, but somebody did, so I am going to quote him. The study:


    Reddit discussion that I strongly encourage to read:

    I was already surprised that the mortality only increased by 4% for heavy UPF consumers. I mean what is 4% among salami eaters? But wait:

    "And there is no effect whatsoever on cardiovascular or cancer mortality, which are the mechanisms many advocates propose UPFs are harmful through - the highest UPF consumption quartile actually had a nominally lower cancer mortality,"

    "The 'base' model that only adjusts for energy intake finds a 22% risk.

    Then they adjust for a range of factors (race, smoking, alcohol, activity, etc) and it drops to 4% risk.

    Then they account for the fact that people change their diets after getting a CVD diagnosis, or they adjust for overall diet quality, and it literally drops to -1% and 1% respectively (supplementary table F)"

    -1% means that IT IS GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

    But wait, there is more! The study accidentally proved that:

    " how sweets and cakes are protective against cancer mortality."

    Cake anyone?
  2. Snuskpelle


    Interesting. The good old correlation != causation mayhaps? Reminds me of the swings in scientific study results of whether coffee/wine/etc. in sufficiently moderate amounts is good or bad for you I've seen over the years.

    Although I will be waiting for a lot more research into this before adjusting my preconceived view. Especially because I'm lazy and don't have time reading that Reddit or the study or anything else about this. So no additional cake for me for the time being. I eat/drink a lot of bad stuff anyway that I'm fully aware might well reduce my life span.
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    vanzandt likes this.
  3. maxinger


    Ultra-Processed Food is good for you


    Ultra-Processed Food is good for the Food Factory
    and Food Stocks

    Trading and food topics are quite similar.
    There are millions of professional writers (who don't know how to trade) writing about trading things.
    Similarly, there are millions of food writers writing food nonsense.

    That's why in this forum, we talk about

    Trading and Food.

    Cake anyone?

    Last edited: May 10, 2024
  4. iprph90


    Did MCD or YUM sponsor the study?
  6. maxinger


    The writers and OP should be pleased eating these:
    upload_2024-5-13_8-35-57.jpeg upload_2024-5-13_8-36-11.jpeg upload_2024-5-13_8-36-23.jpeg

    upload_2024-5-13_8-36-46.jpeg [​IMG] upload_2024-5-13_8-41-0.jpeg

    upload_2024-5-13_8-41-50.jpeg upload_2024-5-13_8-44-7.jpeg upload_2024-5-13_8-45-39.jpeg
  7. maxinger


    and drinking these :

    [​IMG] upload_2024-5-13_8-47-17.jpeg [​IMG]
  8. Overnight


    [QUOTE="Pekelo, post: 5964346, member: 39548"
    Fuck that study, there is always room for cake.

    Among other things...

  9. Overnight


    I could attempt to fix that quoty thing I messed up with a comma out of place, but fuck it, I got HER in my head again. Oy!

  10. vanzandt


    #10     May 12, 2024