UK's first Chick Fil A driven out of business

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Oct 18, 2019.

  1. Overnight


    OR...A sign that testosterone levels are getting diluted with high levels of progesterone.


    Besides, Chick-Fil-A is mreh, whatever fast-food. Best fast-food chicken sandwich ever made was the BK Broiler from Burger King, they dropped it about 20 years ago. If you never encountered it, you won't know why it was the best.

    I *think* Carl's Jr. has a similar iteration, but can't be sure, I encountered it there about 15 years ago. Don't know if they still have theirs.

  2. I hear all that but the fundamental point is that *I* will decide which one I go in to, not the pussies protesting outside.
    wildchild and Overnight like this.
  3. Bugenhagen


    That they opened in the Oracle shopping centre in Reading also a bad idea. I remember it well from a contract nearby, not enough parking spaces.

    You will find the UK LGwhatever scene is actually fairly sensible and it won't have taken much effort to stall a single restaurant with a few people protesting nearby.

    Also people there would not want American crazy scam fundamentalist BS catching a hold and would be happy to boycott for this alone.

    According to tax documents obtained by the outlet, in 2017, the Chick-fil-A Foundation donated to groups with an alleged history of discrimination, including $1,653,416 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and $6,000 to the Paul Anderson Youth Home.

    The Fellowship of Christian Athletes requires a “sexual purity” policy for its employees, according to its job application, which states: “The Bible is clear in teaching on sexual sin including sex outside of marriage and homosexual acts. Neither heterosexual sex outside of marriage nor any homosexual act constitute an alternative lifestyle acceptable to God.”"

    That cock blocks straight people, nobody wants that.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2019
  4. Wallet


    Fellowship of Christian Athletes, discrimination, hahAhahaha, Really? What a twisted view you have. FCA promotes Christian values among student athletes ergo those that work there should live as they teach.

    If they don't you harp about hypocrisy.

    You discriminate against their beliefs yet yell discrimination when their beliefs don’t align with yours.

    Go drink a cider ale and get a life.
    traderob likes this.
  5. Overnight


    At least they'd be a musical hypocrite?

  6. Bugenhagen


    Through experience I & most adults know that any group who focus the sexual "purity" of young people and usually telling them bullshit like it is God who gives them any talent they have etc. have cloaked or even in the open predators operating within. As they grow, they certainly will. "But he can't be a kiddie fiddler! he signed a sexual purity statement!" sure, the proselytizing Christian groups are sneaky bastards who warp lives.

    Also, who really needs more mental midgets that think the early and mid iron age was all she wrote on human development spreading? I'm not gay however I firmly believe that it is a nature thing from observing a few who were in my school grow up from age five/six when we started. Small enough town so you kept a track on near everyone. These groups are only going to create sham marriages and damage lives.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
  7. wildchild


    Whatever man, you are entitled to your opinion, but to me it is pretty clear Chick-Fil-A is a step above the rest of the fast food establishments. The fact that Chick-fil-a is always packed is a testament to this. To top it off, you actually get decent service and the employees seem to actually give a shit. Near me, there is a Chick-fil-a and a Wendys right next to each other. The Wendy's will typically have to 2 or 3 customers, while Chick-fil-a is packing a full dining room. The Chick-fil-a customers use the Wendys parking lot as overflow, so Wendys had to put up signs that said "Wendys Parking Only".

    You bring up Burger King, seriously. There are other fast food joints that can compete with Chickfila, but Burger King aint one of them.
  8. Black_Cat


    traderob and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  9. Bugenhagen


    Antisemitic much? One of Farrakhan guys?

    FYI, you will find that termites hollow wood to build a home. It is a pretty bad analogy considering the 'left' is over half the human population.
    #10     Oct 19, 2019