UK trader arrested for May 2010 U.S. Stock market flash crash

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by just21, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Pekelo


    I understand you didn't get the analogy, because...

    Excuse me, but spoofing isn't really trading, that is cheating. Yes, he was an exceptional cheater, but we would like to see his track record without spoofing to make such a claim.

    Now I saw someone claiming that people who saw him before the algo running, he was already profitable. Of course the question arises, why do the spoofing at all?

    The stories a little contradictory about him by the way. Generally they say he was in and out of the market, then there is one story of his huge position that was left on overnight. His general approach and this story are contradictory...


    Anyhow, there are 3 different legal issues messed up as one:

    1. Did he cause the crash? Well, he actually turned off the algo just before the crash, so the argument has to be that NOT running the algo caused it. Anyhow they won't be able to prove it, so verdict: INNOCENT

    2. Did he spoof? Yes, and that being also illegal, verdict: GUILTY

    3. Did he avoid UK taxes? Common sense tells me you have to pay more taxes on 40 million bucks gains than what he did, so verdict: GUILTY

    To me the interesting part is that the UK government isn't even interested in the tax issue. Now once the US is done with him, there will be no money left for the UK treasury to get their hands on...
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    #621     Apr 18, 2016
  2. Good synopsis Pek....well done.
    #622     Apr 18, 2016
  3. i960


    The vast majority of size orders are done beneath the surface. They aren't just advertised to the market so blatantly. It's quite easy to spot spoofing - the question is, why are the algos so stupid about doing it?

    It's that latter part that even enables spoofing to be successful. If algos don't react because they know it's BS, then spoofing stops because a state of stalemate has been reached.
    #623     Apr 18, 2016
  4. Pekelo


    I got curious about the tax issue and after googling it:

    ". Sarao will have to pay 2.5 million pounds from the Swiss assets to the court once the money becomes available."

    That is still only 10% taxes although the UK doesn't tax spread betting. Interesting conversation on that very subject:

    " any profit and loss that I will generate will be treated as capital gain (so not as income) thus calling for CGT (18% for base or 28% for higher tax payer). "

    It seems to me that Sarao's 10% is still too low...
    #624     Apr 18, 2016
  5. Agreed....that's deal of the !!
    #625     Apr 18, 2016
  6. LOL @ ETard aspie, dipshits

    Give it a rest, you're clueless, pizza delivery boy

    1/ GBP 2.5 MM is the bail money, not taxes. LOL

    2/ You are confused about tax rates b/c you are confusing Sarao (individual) with his UK company

    Sarao's UK company's main activity was trading.
    Companies pay UK corporation tax.
    There is no CGT (capital gains), as such, for companies.
    Any "capital gain" is taxed at the same corp tax rate. No choice

    INDIVIDUALS either pay CGT and/or income tax, depending on the taxable event.
    CGT is taxed at a higher tax rate than income tax

    Those pikers on the other thread operate as INDIVIDUALS & are taxed as such.
    They want their trading/"hedging" (LOL) to be treated as income tax (vs CGT) b/c of the lower tax rate. Doh

    (5 lot pikers comparing themselves (as if) to some multi-$billion bank or property company that does real "hedging". LOL)

    3/ Common sense? LOL

    Problem is you (& most on ET) have no fucking common sense
    (inc syswizard, the clueless, easily excitable, fanboy, dick-rider who doesn't even trade. LOL)

    As they say, common sense is not too common..

    4/ Already discussed in my post

    Sarao has already disclosed the tax shelter used (when he filed the UK company accounts & tax returns).
    Taxman is not going to miss accumulated revenue of $40 million etc passing thru the accounts & his tax return. Doh

    This was a few years ago - so would assume correspondence would already have been exchanged with HMRC (UK tax authorities)
    (assume must have been a few issues raised given the large amounts)

    Sarao has been completely forthright & open about it.
    He's not actually evading or hiding anything from HMRC.

    If he was trying to evade tax, why would he:
    a) set up a company
    b) file company accounts (PUBLICLY available) & tax returns showing $40 MM flowing thru, disclosing tax shelters etc

    (if he wanted to evade tax, far simpler to set up a trading account under his personal name & simply never mention it to tax authority, accountants, or anyone, why file company accounts & tax returns.. Doh)

    Now - that is not to say HMRC won't come back to him at a later date & re-open the case concerning the tax shelter.These things could happen

    If Sarao decides to fight any decision on potential backtax in future (ie HMRC assert the tax shelter is not above board), ultimately a UK court of law decides on whether the tax shelter is legal.
    Not know-nothing ETards who think they are judge & executioner

    #626     Apr 18, 2016
    endicottsteel likes this.
  7. Running_bear - yet another ET know-it-all....and loves to disparage fellow traders.
    Well done A-hole.

    re: "ie HMRC assert the tax shelter is not above board"
    Of course it won't be above board....doh.
    Stick the doh up your....
    #627     Apr 18, 2016
  8. Pekelo


    Thanks for getting us straight, oh you noble Lord. So you first acknowledge that he made a tax shelter and then ask why he would want to avoid taxes??? The very definition of a tax shelter is to avoid taxes you lowlife dumbfuck.

    Why don't you tell us how much tax a company should pay on 40 million? You know what, I don't think you have a clue.

    So you agree with me? How kind of you. Now you go on Ignore, where the other idiots belong...

    Good night lovemuffin...
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    #628     Apr 19, 2016
  9. Pekelo


    2 interesting links, the first one is rather long:

    I learnt a lot about onion futures, or why they can not be traded anymore...

    "...he used anonymous companies in the Caribbean tax haven of Nevis in order to hide the wealth he made manipulating the markets. Nevis is a little-known ‘specialty’ tax haven, for connoisseurs of offshore murk.

    But Mr Sarao appears to have missed the point of using anonymous offshore companies.

    Our City genius decided to use a company title which included his own name and a description of what he was allegedly up to: “Nav Sarao Milking Markets Limited.” Brilliant."
    #629     Apr 19, 2016
  10. southall


    His company tax status maybe legal avoidance. Depends how good this scheme is and how well it was implemented by his offshore lawyers and accountants.
    But if everything was done properly then it will be legal and there will be no tax pay.

    Having said that if the tax man wants to challenge the scheme then final word will be from the Courts to declare it legal or not. But that takes many years.
    #630     Apr 20, 2016
    endicottsteel likes this.