UK foreign sec. says EU should work towards including Middle East & N. Africa

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Artful D0dger, May 10, 2011.

  1. Are you just saying that or do you have any sort of non-anecdotal (and meaningful) evidence? As far as I know, objective facts suggest that the overall quality of life in many European countries is higher than in the US. Have you seen the data on HDI (the Human Development Index)?
    #11     May 10, 2011
  2. It describes most every part of Europe. Where in Europe did YOU live would be a better question.

    Caucasians, of European descent.

    What are the Aryan ideals of racial purity? I don't even know what that really means other than it having something to do with Nazis, so I'm quite sure we haven't had a discussion about it.
    #12     May 10, 2011
  3. Of course I do. Besides having resided in both, plenty of evidence exists. Why? Are you asking me to dig up countless statistics and argue with you about it? Because I really don't feel like doing that right now.

    #13     May 10, 2011
  4. Well, I am currently living in the UK and travel all over continental Europe for work all the time.
    Well, I am Caucasian, but not of European descent. Whatever shall I do? Does that mean I don't belong here? Should I leave?
    Well, if you don't feel like providing meaningful evidence to actually support your point of view, why offer that point of view at all? Saying there's "plenty of evidence" is neither here nor there, especially if it's anecdotal and not very appropriate.
    #14     May 10, 2011
  5. Ricter


    You do not have "countless statistics", your GDP/capita and income are 99% of what you have.
    #15     May 10, 2011
  6. Well, most of the UK has no central air conditioning, and most places don't have duct heating. Taxes are higher than in the USA, both income and property tax, as well as sales/vat tax.

    Property is far more expensive by a HUGE margin than in the US. Fuel costs far more. Food, clothing, entertainment, are all more by a wide margin than in the USA, and homes are on average far far smaller. You pay more for less size and lower quality. Those are all accurate statements. How on Earth could you possibly refute any of those assertions?

    Of what descent then?
    #16     May 10, 2011
  7. I really don't care. I know the facts. Anyone who has resided in both already knows. I'm not trying to change your mind, I don't really care what you believe. You're entitled to believe what you want and I don't really feel like digging up all the facts to try to convince you otherwise, mostly because that isn't what this thread, or this discussion is about. It's about Europe's future and Labor's vision for it.

    #17     May 10, 2011
  8. Is it really? You're a psychic are you? :D What other Marxist super powers do you have? :p Man, some of the people on this message board are priceless.

    #18     May 10, 2011
  9. Well, the HDI can be a bit misleading because it doesn't factor in taxation to the income, and doesn't take prices into account.

    However, even with the HDI there is only ONE European nation higher than the USA, and it's not even in the European Union; Norway. No other European nation is higher on the HDI than the USA.

    #19     May 10, 2011
  10. Ricter


    I was uncertain you were Savant, since I figured he was 1prometheus, a character a bit different from you. But the mention of phenomena, yep, that's a direct hit. You are phenomena. You fucked up with the emoticons.
    #20     May 10, 2011