UK CDOs and Asset-backed securities - best short opportunities

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Siegfried321, Oct 19, 2019.

  1. Hi,

    The UK currently has phenomenal levels of Personalised Car Payment (PCP) loans to car purchasers, usually at insane rates and/or to over-extended buyers. My question is - who is holding all these assets? Are they being collateralized into CDOs or similar and if so, who is likely to be holding them and/or will serve as a proxy for me to short? Are there ETFs with a focus on this kind of debt?

    Similar questions apply to the UK mortgage (particularly buy-to-let) and general unsecured/subprime personal debt markets. Any short opportunities/proxies anyone is aware of?
  2. tonyf


    Some are securitised but most are held on car companies' consolidated balancr sheet. Not as much risk as you think...