most of the stocks i buy only allow me to purchase 3-10 stocks total. this really kills me when i get the 9.99 commission fee from datek which eats up most of my gains. could anyone give me a link to a better online broker than datek?
hmmmm... sounds iffy... i am in the slightly more long term area of trading (moreso than day trading) and need someone that won't go bankrupt tommorow or anything. is there any risk of that with this broker?
Member of SIPC, NASD, NYSE SIPC coverage The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) provides protection to customers of United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") registered broker-dealers who are members of SIPC against losses that arise from the financial failure of such broker-dealers. SIPC is a non-profit, membership corporation funded by broker-dealers which are members of SIPC. Basic SIPC coverage is up to a maximum of $500,000, including up to $100,000 in cash. Look at there history. Interactive Brokers and its affiliated companies are members of the following exchanges and clearing houses: Interactive Brokers LLC: American Stock Exchange (AMEX) Boston Stock Exchange (BSE) Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) Cincinnati Stock Exchange (CSE) International Securities Exchange (ISE) National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) Pacific Exchange (PCX) Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) Depository Trust Company (DTC) National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) Timber Hill LLC: American Stock Exchange (AMEX) Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) International Securities Exchange (ISE) National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) New York Futures Exchange (NYFE) Pacific Exchange (PCX) Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) Board of Trade Clearing Corporation (BOTCC) Chicago Mercantile Exchange Clearing House (CME) Depository Trust Company (DTC) National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) New York Clearing Corporation (NYCC) The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) Timber Hill Europe AG: Amsterdam Exchanges (AEX) Austrian Stock Exchange (Otob) Belgian Futures & Options Exchange (BELFOX) Deutsche Borse: -Eurex Deutschland (formerly DTB) -Eurex Schweiz (formerly SOFFEX) -XETRA (formerly IBIS) London International Financial Futures & Options Exchange (LIFFE) London Stock Exchange (LSE) OM London Limited (OMLX) Societe des Bourses Francaises (SBF) Marche a Terme International de France (MATIF) Paris Traded Equity Options Market (MONEP) Stockholm Fondbors (SFB) Swiss Exchange (SWX) OM London Limited Clearing (OMLX) CRESTCO Limited SIS SegaInterSettle AG Timber Hill (U.K) Limited: Italiana Borsa (IDEM division) CRESTCO Limited Timber Hill Hong Kong Limited: Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) HKFE Clearing Corporation Timber Hill Securities Hong Kong Limited: Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Clearing House (SEOCH) Timber Hill Australia Pty Limited: Australian Stock Excyhange (ASX) Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) Timber Hill Canada Company: Montreal Exchange (ME) Toronto Futures Exchange (TFE) Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC)