Ugandans said hell no.

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by mikeriley, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. mikeriley


    Uganda passes a law making it a crime to identify as LGBTQ

    Are Africans the only Christians who actually
    practice their religion? According to the article
    30 African countries refuse to allow LGBTQ lifestyle
    to have any influence in African communities.

    I'm not advocating Christianity, but it's obvious
    Africans actually live and believe what they profess.

    In contrast here in America a man can visit the Ladies
    room as long as he identifies as a woman.

    (Places red MAGA hat back on my head)
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. notagain


  3. Nobert


  4. Bugenhagen


    Museveni has been dictator since he was involved in removing the prior dictator in 1986. Elderly authoratarian and conspiracy theories is what's happened in Uganda.
  5. newwurldmn


    First you MAGAs railed on the immigrants. That didn't get very far.
    Then the blacks. That resulted in riots that made for some funny photo ops.
    Finally the Jews. Which hasn't gotten any traction.
    And now LGBTQ. Your track record isn't very good.

    All the while constructing your entire political agenda around sticking it to "the libtards" which cost you 3 national elections in a row.

    Since the whole MAGA platform is just based on hate, at some point you will have to fight old white men. That will be fun to watch.
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  6. Bugenhagen


    Oh I forgot to mention, since 1980 when he lost an election he decried as corrupt and 1986 Museveni instigated wars that killed 800,000 to become ruler. There has not been a fair election since either.

    Very Christian of him. Texas approves.
    newwurldmn likes this.
  7. destriero


    Dude, you're obviously GAF.
    d08 and newwurldmn like this.
  8. destriero


    Why so fearful?

    Show us on the doll where the bad ppl touched you.
    d08 likes this.
  9. d08


    You're comparing the hysteria in US to people simply admitting who they are sexually. If you think Africa is a role-model for anything, you need medical help.
    murray t turtle and destriero like this.
  10. maxinger


    #10     Mar 27, 2023