U.s. Treasury Secretary Arrested In Germany

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by nkhoi, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Actually, Paulsen and Chaney were invited to Germany by a German Treasury offical for a hunting trip.

    While hunting wild Scrotum Hawks, Vice-President Chaney's weapon accidentally discharged, wounding the German official. During his attempt to render aid, The Vice-President was seen accidentally kicking & punching the fallen German official, yelling "you clumsy kraut bastard, you ruined my shot".

    Apparently Secretary Paulsen was shot in the buttocks while bending over to attend to the fallen German official. According to one report, Secret Service staff rushed the Vice-President and were able to restrain him as he was attempting to "reload".

    The un-named German official was treated by Chaney's personal medical staff and then taken to a German hospital. Chaney was quoted as saying "I am truly sorry to have accidentally shot him, I have this new gun and am unfamilar with it. Fortunately he was not seriously wounded".

    Secretary Paulsen was also transported to a local emergency hospital for treatment for a wounded ass. Vice-President Chaney was seen urging the Paulsen to "walk it off, you pussy".

    #11     Jan 3, 2007
  2. MattF


    #12     Jan 3, 2007
  3. Is this what you refer to? This sort of money does not disappear from the US economy...Where did the money come from?

    But the real problem, as it stands today and why the money remains in limbo, is simply if Wanta returns the money to the U.S. Treasury, it will be immediately hi-jacked from the people and put into private Iluminati bank accounts since under the present Federal Reserve and the national banking system, there are no laws protecting the American people's money.

    "Dutch (President Reagan} always intended the money be returned to the American people to be used for roads, schools and health care," said Wanta last Thursday on Greg Szymanski's radio show, the Investigative Journal, where the former Ambassador spoke for two hours while still being held under house arrest in his Switzerland home.

    #13     Jan 3, 2007
  4. ok, so......amongst many of Dan Browns aliases are enumerous books....... pseudos.......one entitled......."Visit America before America visits you".....almost a life-like book......
    #14     Jan 3, 2007