U.S. To Hit Traders, Money Managers With A Tax Shot To The Gut

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by hippie, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. maxpi


    WIN = Work Is Nonprofit... it's a welfare state [until the inflation hits, then it goes full commie /warlords], get over it...

    I've gotten to know people on the left recently, they get grants and monetize everything in their little grasp and work really hard at their causes so they can give away YOUR money.. are they generous or what?
    #11     Jun 1, 2010
  2. Are you a 4th generation muckraker or what. Just laughing........
    #12     Jun 1, 2010
  3. lol.

    republicans sweeping in?

    as in appointed by the supreme court yet again?

    as in corporate give-aways to corporations that haven't paid taxes in more than a decade.

    as in socialism for the wealthy and capitalism for every one else.

    Looks like yet another neo-borg fest thread masquerading as "trading related news".

    Well, it's ET after all. can't expect any less. The neoborg infestation has turned this site into one continuous ball of hilarity.

    Carry on.

    #13     Jun 1, 2010
  4. MKTrader


    Well, if it isn't everyone's favorite mindless Obamadrone. Are you proud of your hero? It's not just any prez who can get more PAC $$ from BP than any politician in the last 20 years and get a free pass from the media. Yes, the same wonderful chap who used to be a lawyer for Acorn, America's finest voting fraudsters.

    Oh, and now it sounds like the Census bureau is teeming with more Maobama-style fraud. I guess he can now appoint another unelected "tsar" to do media cover-ups. Not that he really needs one with such wonderful friends in the lamestream press. Speaking of gov't jobs, they're being created right and left. We may even surpass Greece and have over one-third of the population working for Komrade O. You'd like that, now, wouldn't you, seeing that you're a paper trader at best and couldn't care less what taxes and "financial reform" mean to real traders?
    #14     Jun 2, 2010
  5. lol. more commentary from yet another escaped lunatic from the insane asylum. Well, that's the only reason I come on here. To laugh at the latest neo-borg thread of hilarity.

    So what should we call you. Joe the trader?

    Just like "Joe the plumber.

    Doesn't have a plumbing license and is living off welfare for over a decade yet has the audacity to ask why corporations should be paying their fair share of taxes.

    This entire site has become a virulent loser-fest infestation of "Joe-the-traders" like you. I do feel sorry for the noobs who come on here without realizing failures like you are the average loser sample of ET.

    #15     Jun 2, 2010
  6. MKTrader


    1) You write like a third-grader.

    Skipping lines like this.

    Even smart third-graders write better. Moron.

    Back to the subject at hand...

    2) You failed to engage with a single thing I wrote. You failed to engage with the actual topic of this thread. What was it, you ask? Oh yeah...taxes. You know, what the rest of us pay so you can not work every week? Or at best, what we pay so you can twiddle your thumbs as a card-carrying public employee union dog?

    So, let's try to keep this at your level. The administration you love wants to impose taxes on those greedy, successful traders you hate. Traders lose. Parasites like yourself win. No wonder you don't like this thread...
    #16     Jun 2, 2010
  7. rc8222


    You are absolutely right!!!! But you forgot to mention Obama's 20+ year mentor, the Rev. Wright. You remember him, the Rev. God Damn America, and making all sorts of hateful, racist sermons towards whites, Jews, ect........ Of course, the libertard media outlets like MSNBC, CNN, and the like act like nothing had happened. But if it were a white Republican candidate that had 20+ year association with a racist, America hating piece of shit like Wright, then degenerates like Sharpton and Jackson would be screaming and protesting about it all over the country.
    Oh, and let's not forget Obama's associations with serial bomber Bill Ayers. It was at the home of Ayers that Obama had his first fundraiser while running for IL Senator. Ayers was co-founder of the 60's radical group "The Weather Underground", which were responsible for the bombing of New York City Police Headquarters, and sending mail bombs to the homes of federal judges.
    Oh, and btw, it was IL State Senator Barack Obama that wrote an endorsement review of a book written by Bill Ayers. Take a look.... Obama's picture is on the back of the book giving the review to his friend, and domestic terrorist Ayers.

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

    #17     Jun 2, 2010
  8. There is no need for me to address any of your contrived issues. You are ignorant on so many levels, for me to debate you I would have to begin by giving you basic civic lessons on govt. and taxation.


    The reason why I type like this is so individuals like you can easily follow without me having to post pictures and loud colored graphics.

    You are neoborg. Therefore by definition you have a reading comprehension problem which is typical of the average loser neoborg "Joe-the-trader".


    Since you have a OBVIOUS reading comprehension problem, you missed the fact this legislation is not about increasing taxes. It's about eliminating a abusive contrived tax loop hole.

    Goldman Sachs’s Tax Rate Drops to 1%, or $14 Million

    You can use Google to "learn yourself" more about the difference between closing a tax loop-hole and enacting new taxation.

    Back to ya. The continual ball of rolling hilarity. You don't make a dime yet frothing mad about how massive corporations abusing the tax system get to pay their fair share of taxes.

    I notice another Neo-borg had to jump in and make a tangential post on some community organization. Amusing bunch these "Joe-the-traders". Most of you are what I call "Dennis Bolze types". The only money types like you can make is what you scam using chat rooms or "web services".

    #18     Jun 2, 2010
  9. MKTrader


    Thanks for reading the link. I know what it was about. You obviously didn't read it until your third post here. Yes, you took that bait as quickly as you'd nab a free cheese/food stamp combo at an Obama rally. Congratulations!

    You didn't address any other issues because you can't. You obviously only know how to argue ad hominem. Look up the word some time. It's Latin--intimidating to a sub-60 IQ Obamadrone, I know--but some time in a dictionary will be good for you. Maybe one day you can even read the Constitution...or at least a few paragraphs.
    #19     Jun 2, 2010
  10. NKNY


    lol, You sound like you agree with everything you hear on the main stream corporate media. Ever stop and wonder why you do...

    One day when your older and wiser maybe you will understand what exactly is going on and how the very fabric of this country is being fundamentally attacked. Stop being programed by watching Programing. Ask yourself, why do they want me to hate my fellow Americans who are fed up with the spending and fake wars of this federal government. Why are they letting in Illegal's in and have been for decades, is it because we have a compassionate federal government... I doubt it lol.. Stop listening and start questioning .... ask why... Oh, and get off your elitist high horse, you are not one of them... you are a pee on like us and you should support liberty at all costs because once lost in the name of "protecting us" its never regained. Smarten up kido, professors only teach what they want you to know.

    Dont bother to reply, trust me, I wont read it or reply.
    #20     Jun 2, 2010