U.S. Mint suspends sales of almost all gold and silver coins

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. No I did not miss that point, but apparently you think humanity has made some immense psychological & moral evolution in the last 50 years.

    Listen, you're right, fiat money is the best thing ever because we can always trust our central bank & government to properly run the monetary system. Why let the people decide their medium of exchange, just let the elites & their bureaucrats run things for us. After all, fiat money has infallible value because the government says so.
    #31     Jul 16, 2009
  2. PEIL hit the nail on its head & I pity those of you who don't comprehend this basic point.

    Monetary inflation engendered by fiat money systems RUIN the middle classes over time, slowly, insidiously & permanently.

    IN the 1950s in America the mother did not have to work & a typical middle class salaried earner could have a car, nice new home, stuff for the kids & Mom stays home.


    With the rise of efficient, industrial production, THINGS SHOULD BE GETTING MORE AFFORDABLE...NOT LESS AFFORDABLE!

    This is how the elite banking cartel enslaves humanity.

    ANd it will continue.

    GL to us all.
    #32     Jul 16, 2009
  3. Your sarcasm is simply killin' me here...

    I don't know whether humanity's evolution/development in the last 50 years had been 'immense'. That's just a word. I do know that the world is very different today than it was 50 years ago, in a whole variety of ways.

    As to the rest, don't you already trust the state and the government with more important things, such as, for example, your own safety, education of your progeny and other such things? Might as well be consistent, no?
    #33     Jul 16, 2009
  4. No, I am not retarded. But I see where you stand. Good luck with believe & faith in Big Brother. I heard through the grapevine that Big Brother really cares about you.
    #34     Jul 16, 2009
  5. zdreg


    there is home schooling and private education.
    there is a gun permit and gated communities.
    "other such things" sounds likes a way out..
    the post office is not needed.
    passenger rail and bus has been ruined by the government..
    other such things can be replaced by etc.
    #35     Jul 16, 2009
  6. In 1933 FDR banned US citizens from owning gold. Don't think it can't happen again.
    #36     Jul 16, 2009
  7. Please, by all means, don't let me stand in the way of your enjoyment of all these wonderful things.

    Does beg the question, though, of what the heck you guys are doing living in the West (I assume you are). Given all these bad things happening (no gold standard, manipulative govt that you don't trust to provide your most basic needs, etc), I am rather surprised you are not living somewhere in Africa. Wouldn't that be a lot more consistent? Or maybe, God forbid, there are aspects you like about the way society in the West is organized?
    #37     Jul 16, 2009
  8. Actually, the USD is the currency of choice in Zimbabwe this day in age I believe which does give the prediction of 'Zimbabwe style' inflation in the US a bit of a ironical taste doesn't it?
    #38     Jul 18, 2009
  9. Actually I plan to move to South East Asia in the next few years. I think America is a lost cause. Even after things get better, I think there will be such a gap between the rich and poor it will be incredibly dangerous to live here. The new poor people will remember what they used to have (air-con, cable TV, electricity) and they wont be able to afford that stuff anymore. Even the people that make 20k per year now live better than 80%+ of the world and when they go back to on par with them, it will be horrible. There is a saying that its worse to be rich and lost it all than to have never been rich in the first place. 20k is not rich in the US, but it is decent money in alot of the world. When these people feel what its like to live like the rest of the world, I think the young people of this country who have so much been brainwashed into thinking they are entitled to everything, will go out and rob anyone that has more money than them.
    #39     Jul 18, 2009