U.S. military casualties in wars since 1775.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SouthAmerica, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. So did Henry Ford, Rockefeller and the Bush family. Ford actually regretted it shortly after.

    U.S. State Department Policy Planning Study #23, 1948:
    " Our real task... is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity [U.S. military- economic supremacy]... To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming... We should cease to talk about vague and...unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization... we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better."
    George Kennan, Director of Policy Planning. U.S. State Department. 1948

    Mr. Kennan has a point.
    #11     Jan 2, 2007
  2. Sadly, lessons that should have learnt from previous military tourism have not been learnt and this has lead the US and ALL it's citizens into a honey trap.
    The honey trap has been baited with unrivaled greed and as certain factions within the US are awaking to the realisation that they have been lead into it, they are also awakening to the realisation that it is going to be next to impossible to get out of it.

    Like a wild animal that is caught in a wire snare, the US will lash out at all and everything, causing the wire to bite deeper and deeper. In the case of the wild animal, it was hunger that caused it's entrapment. In the case of the US it was greed.

    Also sadly, the UK with it's history within the world and with Europe and with it's own internal history, carries the lion's share of blame for this current military cockup.
    UK knew that this adventure was wrong in every sense of the word as did France, Germany, Italy and many other counties whose wisdom has been gained at the expense of lives both young and old over time.
    Italy, does not take it's politics too seriously as it goes about the business of living and you have all seen the outcome in Spain.

    But the UK does take it's politics very seriously.. Politics and living are entwined and without the UK on their shoulder the US would not have been so cocksure about it's military ability to extract the oil in US dollars from Saddam's Iraq and a different approach involving interllect for once may have been sort.

    And so we all enter 2007 quite unsure of the details that lie ahead of us, but never the less quite sure that '07 in the US will begin poorly and end worse.
    #12     Jan 2, 2007
  3. Why would god bless people who unleash the most barbaric WMD on civillian populaions (e.g. atom bomb, cluster bombs, napalm, etc) all over the world on a regular basis?

    Do you think god like all the immense oppression and suffering that the military has caused in 2nd and 3rd world countries?

    Does god bless Abu Gaharib, Gitmo?

    Can you provide any examples of how we have spread "democracy" in any of these countries? Thank you.
    Show me how we have freed anyone. Vietnam remains a poor communist country, this after the necessities of life were wiped out there and in cambodia by fresh faced god loving young american boys who unleashed their death from jets up high. That is not barbaric I guess, god must be smiling upon them.

    Funding the brutal death squads in Central American (a la iran contra) to overthrow democratically elected governments and slaughtering the lcoals who got in the way of the drug trade. Son, you have been sorely brainwashed. Do you also expect that god will privde some virgins for the fine folks too?

    It's all about the money. Will will continue to invade, oppress, and "liberate" any country that has resouces that we require. Been going on since we "liberated" Norther America and slaughtered the "barbaric" locals.

    In American if you dare to stand up to the Christo-corporate facists and say "I am against the war, and for peace" (BTW was Jesus's message), you WILL be atacked, ignored, spat upon. That is the freedom we enjoy. How barbaric.

    The West is the biggest arms dealer in the world. God-fearing people in the US work in plants to make the most fearsome weapons, which are then sold to any old dictator or regime and used to cause untold suffering. But we are not barbaric!

    There were airbases in Ubekistan (sp?), home of a brutal dictator. How convienent.

    A Canadian travelling in the US is exported by the US to Syria for inhuman torture. I thought they are the "axis of evil"?
    Did god smile on this? He is but one of the few. Check the real history books, why don't you
    #13     Jan 2, 2007
  4. That would take all of about 10 minutes. This thread needs to be moved to Chit Chat.
    #14     Jan 2, 2007
  5. ken__0


    Are you that naive, To realize you dont speak german.
    Do you not understand the civil war.
    Vietnam remains a coommunist country due to the fact the people in charge wouldn't let our commanders do what they wanted to.
    Do you not think japan is a better place now then it was. Do you think china enjoyed the torture japan placed upon them.
    Last time I checked koreans would rather live in south korea rather then northkorea.
    The taiwan is still taiwan.

    Now whether you like it or not oil is now the lifeblood of this world, and we as americans will protect such interests.
    Disruptions to the global supply has implications from america all the way around the world.
    We will not sit back while france and germany continue with their illegal oil contracts in violation of un sanctions.
    What countries were the most against the 2 iraq action.
    Wow its france and germany.
    Everyday in the minds of people throughout the world they wonder what would be like to be free. To have a choice in their countries future.
    Do you honestly believe they enjoy rule from a dictator.

    Its one thing to be against the war in iraq, its another to spread incorrect and one sided misinformation.
    You need to reread those history books.
    #15     Jan 2, 2007
  6. He doesn't read history.

    He's been brainwashed by the CBC, which is the laughingstock of Western media.
    #16     Jan 2, 2007
  7. Rufawana


    Most of whats been said has merit, but ultimately people are people, good, bad and indifferent, and people with allot of power want more, no matter how many "surfs" happen to die. History is the guide, its always been this way, and I'm sorry to say but I think it will always be this way.
    Think on this though, I was born in South Africa (the apartheid regime was heavily funded and supported by the US as a bastion on democracy in the battle for Africa during the cold war - the fact that SA become a true democracy could only have happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union - ironic?), as a child I was indoctrinated to believe all manner of horse sh*t so that one day I would perpetuate the system.
    So my life has changed since 94 (when SA became a true democracy), and even though my life style and family have endured many hardships (crime, employement, emigration, etc), we accept this is part of the rectification of a house built on bad ground.
    Do I hate the ANC for that change? Or the various liberation movements? Or people, black, white or purple.
    My hatred is reserved for the sadists, sychophants and opportunists who created the system in the first place. Verwoed in 64, the British prior to that, all of the "power players" whose short-sightedness has cost me and mine in ways I will not go into here. Make no mistake, they believed whole heartedly in racism and thought they were doing the right thing, because none of them had the heart or mind to think for themselves.
    The US (and unfettered capitalism, more specifically) will experience a decline, the house is built on bad ground and no amount of proping up will stop the inevitable rationalisation of the injustice that war in general, but war for profit specifically, has and will cause.
    You might not suffer at all, but your children and grandchildren could well hate you and have to endure the America left to them.
    #17     Jan 2, 2007
  8. This is true. On North Vietnameses' independence day in Sept 1945, a US delegation was at the ceremony, and US aircraft did a low-level flyover for the ceremony! Ho Chi Minh could not have been friendlier to the US! If only we didn't foolishly believe our anticommunist rhetoric...
    #18     Jan 2, 2007
  9. achilles28


    Beautiful. Thank you.

    Thats why the CIA is called 'The Company' - merely the militant wing of Corporate America.
    #19     Jan 2, 2007
  10. OH! Those terrible Americans causing all the world problems. Yawn! Same old song that falls on deaf ears because it's bullshit. Guess we should all just slit our wrists to make you envious fucks feel better. Sorry, no white liberal guilt here. Go fuck yourselves!
    #20     Jan 2, 2007