U.S. Gov just spent 190 million on swine flu vaccine

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, May 25, 2009.

  1. Bob111



    #11     May 26, 2009
  2. H1N1, lab made? They aren't sure but its a compound of "Flu's" that they only have in a few DOD labs.

    So, who know's how it came about.

    Fear, Fear and more Fear.

    Once again, r you really surprised by how the World Politics acted with H1N1?

    Not I.

    There will be another run of it in the Fall, just like the WHO has stated. Gee. If I had their crystal ball and used it for all my oil positions.....I would be worth Billions.

    Funny thing is, they do not need a Crystal Ball.......they are in the know.
    #12     May 26, 2009
  3. Yes indeed.....more POSION they will be pumping in everyones body soon!!! THEY created the problem (laboratory grade tri-mixture of flu released).....then latter THEY come in as the solution with some heinous new vaccination.

    ENJOY!!! :eek:

    Another "set-up" in the making.....GLOBALIST style!

    #13     May 26, 2009