U.S.-China Talks Broke Down Over Trump’s Demands on High-Tech Industries

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Error Correction Funder, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. NeoTrader


    Why americans would put up with this shit, essentially having their president trying to force them to buy the products they already buy today with a discount given and financed by the chinese tax payer is beyond comprehension.

    I wouldn't mind if other people were willing to pay my bills... I would never force anyone to do it, but if someone is voluntarily doing it either directly or indirectly by electing/accepting a government that does it, I would have no problem with it.:D
  2. qxr1011


    not exactly, Cinese overtly or covertly force US companies to give Chinese c
    companies the american developed know-how

    and american know-how was often if not always, partially or wholly subsidized by the american taxpayer

    so who subsidizing whom now?
  3. NeoTrader


    Well, in any event, consumers are getting products at better prices in the end...

    If american taxpayers subsidized their know-how, that was their mistake and one mistake doesn't correct another. Hopefully they'll learn not to let their government subsidize anything in the future...

    And again, they may have developed the know-how, but in the end, they're getting products developed by that same know-how partially paid by the chinese, that seems like a great deal...

    Plus, if the companies that developed that know-how find it worth it to be in China and probably giving them the means(the know-how) to create new companies that will compete with them, that's their choice and nobody except the owners of the company should have a say if that is worth it or not. In the end, it would lead to more competition, which again is always better for the consumer.

    So the answer would be: the american taxpayers are getting products generated by the know how they paid at a discount paid by the chinese and this could lead to even more competition, which would benefit the american consumer even more, even if the chinese one day withdraw the subsidies of today.
  4. qxr1011


    i do not have time to explain in writing if u want i am available on skype