U.S. big bag of wind

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Humpy, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. fhl


    Ever hear of sowing and reaping? It would behoove you to learn about it, and fast.

    Your time is coming for your country, and don't expect to receive the help you scorn to give.

    Talk about denial, you libs deny that there is a majority in Iraq that want to live in a democracy. Just because the minority is very loud, that's all you need to come to your perverse conclusions. That conclusion being that the whole country is adverse to the U.S. and doesn't want anything but a mucked-up pseudo state. And, that the U.S. is attempting to "force" democracy upon them.

    When one doesn't have a firm foundation on right and wrong, anything that pops up, like a suicide bomber, a big demonstration/rally, whatever your senses perceive, determines for you the right and wrong of it. This makes peace at any price a priority to you people. The french in ww2, Chamberlain in your country, and now you and your fellow libs see "danger, danger", and respond accordingly. Give the perps what they want.

    Well, when the perps take it to you, where you live, I repeat once again, don't expect help. You don't want to give it, you won't get it. In other words, live with it, bro.
    #41     Apr 27, 2007
  2. Humpy


    Let me put it to you doodle as simply as I can so that you can understand.
    1. The US has nuclear weapons BUT cant use them in the Iraq/Afghanistan situation for moral/political reasons. So they are out.
    2. That just leaves conventional weapons. The war was won with aircraft and cruise missiles etc BUT these weapons cant be brought to bear on civilian populations within cities/towns. So they are out.
    3. We now get right down to street level house to house/street fighting. The cost in US lives is prohibitive and the results in the hearts and minds battle is extremely negative. So thats out too.

    That leaves the US and allies with NOTHING but talk - hence the title of the thread ----US is a big bag of wind !!

    If any of the above is still unclear please contact your teacher if under 10 or psychiatrist if over 10

    Have a great weekend - goodbye !
    #42     Apr 27, 2007
  3. Yeah, I see your point, because the US is unwilling for moral, political, humanitarian and other reasons to unleash the full might of its military power, it is no longer a superpower. Only jealous has-beens like the brits could come up with this kind of illogical and absurd nonsense. Enjoy your life in Eurabia and good luck to you, you are going to need it. Then again you can always count on the french so you have nothing to worry about.
    #43     Apr 27, 2007
  4. If the majority of Iraqis want democracy, and are funded and trained by US experts, then why do they need our soldiers?

    We can pay to have those Iraqis who want to spill their own blood for democracy flown over here and trained.

    There is no need at this point, over 4 years since the demise of Saddam's regime to excuse the Iraqi people from their responsibility.

    This is the problem with the right wingers, their ego suggests that we are responsible for their democracy, but if the majority of Iraqi people want their own democracy, then we can help, but not make it happen.

    Imagine a child, who is 4 years old, who refuses to walk, or because every time he tried to walk, he fell down and the parents smothered him with "love" to keep him from ever falling down again.

    No, enough is enough. This is not about the US, this is about the Iraqi people deciding how much blood to spill for their own democracy.

    See, most of us are spoiled here. Most of us have never had to risk our lives for our own democracy...and that includes most living vets. Our democracy would have continued without our presence in all wars since WWII, and it is debatable that our democracy would not have continued if we stayed out of that war.

    So we pay no price for our democracy, like those who actually earned it by fighting the British.

    Oh sure, we pay taxes, and bitch the hell about it...but we pay no real price, so we don't really value it. That is why we let politicians trample all over our democracy in the name of "freedom."

    It is a joke. A tragic joke.

    Leave Iraq now. Fund those who want a democracy, okay.

    But no more spilling of American blood for a democracy that is not our own.

    #44     Apr 27, 2007
  5. fhl


    Look at this. A democrat that says to cut off the help to those who won't help themselves. We coulda saved about four trillion on the great society.....
    #45     Apr 27, 2007
  6. Are Iraqi's US citizens? Are they fighting for our democracy?


    More straw man from a complete repugniklan...

    If truth be known, which I don't know is even possible for your klan, you don't give a rat's azz about the Iraqi people.

    Why not just admit to the world that which is bloody obvious?

    You will feel better...

    #46     Apr 27, 2007
  7. fhl


    Ok. You've suggested I need to come clean and feel better. Now take that times 1000, and you may get to the number of times on this forum that people have said you need help.

    Admit to the bloody obvious .....
    #47     Apr 27, 2007
  8. You must be in the "majority" that gave Bush the moron a 90% approval rating following 9/11. I'll bet you even voted for Bush twice...

    What a crackup.

    Since his 90%, his stock looks like Enron...

    Okay, you were a loser then, and still are...at least you had lots of company in the loser group...

    So when are you going to come clean and admit you don't really care about the Iraq people before the war, or now?

    Too funny, really is. You simply could not deal with the reality I presented to you that the Iraq people need to show up and stand up for themselves.

    You can't handle that truth.

    Tell me, has the Iraqi government and military instituted a draft, to make sure they have enough soldiers to beat back the opposition?

    Nope....and you wonder why you look so damn stupid continuing to support this waste of American lives...

    My Goodness, the only real explanation for your complete dullard thinking must be that you were lobotomized...err Hannitized...

    #48     Apr 27, 2007
  9. Cesko


    ZZZ..... your switching positions any way it fits you amazes me.
    Second I don't think there is anybody who questions morality of others as often as you.
    #49     Apr 27, 2007
  10. Oh please, since when you care about american lives? You care about our troops about as much as he cares about the Iraqis. When are you going to come clean and admit it?
    #50     Apr 27, 2007