Typical Right-Wing Radio Host

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. jem


    wael according you, you would be a gringo in the eyes of a mexican. Where should you go?
    #31     Apr 12, 2006
  2. Practicing your stalking habit again I see.

    Old habits never seem to die....

    #32     Apr 12, 2006
  3. "My comments go to the homophobic hate filled Christians, who, though fully sinful by nature according to Jesus Christ, devote more time to railing against what they judge to be the sins of others than they do praying to God for forgiveness and redemption"

    see, this is the kind of bigoted, politically correct rhetorical rubbish that is not part of intelligent conversation. it is just name calling and baiting. i know many christians. and many of them feel that homosexual acts are sinful

    i do not know ANY that HATE homosexuals. i am sure there are some out there, but those who believe that something is immoral - it doesn't follow that they have "hate" towards them. that is politically correct rubbish.

    second of all , the term "homophobic" is a politically invented lie. sure, some people who are "non-accepting" or critical or whatever of homosexuals, etc. may in fact have a "phobia", but phobia has a very specific meaning. it's a psychological term. and just because somebody believes (and again, ****i**** don't) that homosexual behavior is sinful, or wrong (and plenty of atheists beleive homosexual behavior is wrong), or whatever aren't necessarily (and in the vast majority of cases) "phobic".

    i think fat people wearing spandex is WRONG. it's just plain WRONG. doesn't make me "fatophobic"

    i know WAY too many thoughtful, intelligent, compassionate people who DO believe that homosexuality is wrong. NONE of them are hateful, and none of them are phobic.

    that is just political rubbish. fred phelps? ok - HE is hateful. he aint the norm.

    and lastly - how do YOU know how much time these people pray, or how they pray or whatever? basically , it comes down to this - your "tolerance" (to use a PC Speak term) for religious people extends only as far as they don't express any opinions that are contrary to yours.

    how... well... "tolerant"
    #33     Apr 12, 2006
  4. Multiple Choice:

    The far right wing fundamentalist Christians are:

    1. Tolerant, loving, forgiving, non judgmental and accepting of the gay people and their lifestyle.

    2. Intolerant, unloving, unforgiving, judgmental and not accepting, of the gay lifestyle.

    "Many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals, the two things seem to go together, it is a pathology it is a sickness." - Pat Robertson on TV

    "God hates homosexuality" - Jerry Falwell on TV

    "At the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference, [Dr. Paul] Cameron announced to the attendees, 'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals.'

    You really need me to post quotes from the religious right with their views on gays?

    #34     Apr 12, 2006
  5. you too? u guys got me figured.

    #35     Apr 12, 2006
  6. i better start digging what wael writes. i am starting to like this dude before i even met him.
    #36     Apr 12, 2006
  7. Practicing your avoidance habit again I see.

    C'mon, just give us a name and prove that you're not just ranting for the sake of it....





    (crickets chirping)
    #37     Apr 12, 2006
  8. Hapastalker at it again.....

    #38     Apr 12, 2006
  9. ZZzzzz pulling his avoidance act again.

    So predictable.
    #39     Apr 12, 2006
  10. A review of your posts reveals the stalker obsession.

    Just say not to stalking hapastalker.


    You had better start reading the chat room log again.


    #40     Apr 12, 2006