TWS hanging on launch

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by nooby_mcnoob, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Ryan81


    In the past, I occasionally had problems with the auto-update installer hanging on startup, and preventing TWS from loading. I work around it by only using the standalone versions now.
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  2. Thanks, I'm using the standalone version. Strange thing is that paper trading logs on fine.

    I looked into the log files and it looks like there is a bug in TWS for some reason. I get this message:

    "should not be synced on global application lock"

    Looked to me like a GUI thing so I figured gateway might work... And it did. I guess that's OK for now.
  3. Figured it out: I rebuilt docker images but the version number for one of the images was loose. One of the GUI packages got upgraded out from under me and caused a bug to manifest in TWS.

    Hard-coding the digest in the dockerfile fixed the issue.