TWS connection issues?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by vms01, Sep 20, 2019.

  1. vms01


    Hi, anyone else having connection issues for a few days? Mostly from 10 AM EST for a few hours. TWS loses connection and reconnects after a few seconds. Happens every few minutes. I´m connected from Europe/Germany.

  2. ZBZB


    Try a different isp or try connecting from a mobile hotspot on your phone.
    tommcginnis likes this.
  3. Are you sure that it is IB's servers which are not responding? Or is your internet connection flaky, having these short interruptions? Or, in case you are using wifi, a weak wifi connection can also cause flaky internet connectivity.
    tommcginnis and d08 like this.
  4. d08


    Preferably use a wired connection, better latency and far more stable.
    tommcginnis likes this.
  5. I fully agree.
    tommcginnis likes this.
  6. vms01


    I´m pretty sure. Have several other Real Time Tickers opened, which are running just fine and a 20 Mbit Cable connection. So its not my ISP or Home Internet connection that causes the problems. Also made speed/latency/packge loss tests, with no issues. I´m using TWS for a year now with nearly no connection problems. It started Wednesday I believe.
    tommcginnis likes this.
  7. d08


    Connection issues can be route specific. Which IB servers are you using - NY, Illinois, CH or HK? I've had whole countries drop off due to routing issues while the rest of the world worked fine.
    vms01 and tommcginnis like this.
  8. tommcginnis


    Yeahhhhhhh. Hate this.
    Were we at a round table, I would nod & agree with everyone's statements as we went around, and when things got to me, I'd recall that, from my house (my point of world contact for 12+ hours of every day for the past 14 years), nearly every time I had similar issues, there would be a bump up in measured internet throughput within maybe two weeks' time. Like, 70|30-ish. Better than half.

    My conclusion? (And this is still probabilistically constrained...) Your local ISP is tweaking/cranking, and when things get done, it will settle down, and possibly there might be a bump up on throughput, but not guaranteed.

    Why is the real-time stuff not affected? A GUESS BUT, I'd guess that there's enough of a buffer -- "low-latency" read-backs not announced like TWS, that are at work. TOTAL guess.

    Hope is doesn't persist for you. A pain if you don't know the answer....
    vms01 likes this.
  9. vms01


    I use Europe and I´m sitting in Munich Germany. Dont know where they route me to.
  10. This you can look up in TWS. Go to menu Help -> Data Connections. It will show you the data farms where the price/volume data is coming from. The connection which is called "Primary" is the one for your main connection, where your account data comes from (e.g. account value, list of open positions) and where your order lines are being sent to.

    I noticed that meanwhile nobody else has confirmed your observation about connectivity issues. That gives me an indication that you might be the only one who is observing this. People are generally rather outspoken on this forum, and if there were a problem with IB it would be mentioned widely here.
    #10     Sep 21, 2019
    vms01 and tommcginnis like this.