Two GIANT steps to stop the oil

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. Arnie


    #21     Jun 4, 2010
  2. How so?

    The status quo of Bush wouldn't have improved the situation...

    #22     Jun 4, 2010
  3. Hello


    That he was going to change the way politics were done in washington.

    That he was going to be honest.

    That he was going to be transparent.

    That he was going to be the great uniter.
    #23     Jun 4, 2010
  4. Hello


    You dont think tax cuts, as opposed to tax hikes during one of the worst recessions in history would have made a difference in the unemployment numbers?
    #24     Jun 4, 2010
  5. Trickle down economics didn't and doesn't work...

    Starting two wars and increased spending while cutting taxes is lunacy...

    Our current recession began under Bush's tax cuts...

    #25     Jun 4, 2010
  6. An easy solution.

    1) Legal pot that is taxed.

    2) Legal whores that are taxed, no reason for Republicans to have to go all the way to Europe to meet their rent boys, or for the Liberals to have to hire the Hollywood madam who did not pay taxes.

    3) Employ people to build a fence around the border, legal all immigrants that have jobs, but yes you guessed it, they need to pay a tax for these special legal documents.

    4) Hire people to build roads, dams, and a floating wall to keep the oil from reaching the shore.

    5) Improve safety and then drill baby drill.

    6) Cut taxes for everyone, rich, poor,middle class.

    7) Raise interest rates but provide an exception that a bank can borrow below the current rate ONLY for making a home LOAN, not for a carry trade.

    8) Bring most the troops home ASAP. Iraq did not have WMD's, and the Taliban did not attack us, and the terrorists are smart enough to have moved their operations to other countries while we fight the last war for no good reason.

    9) Let Israel bomb Iran instead of us getting into another war, they seem to be able to fight 7 countries at once more cost effectively than we can 2 countries.

    10) Provide treatment for non violent offenders instead of spending $ 50,000 per year to lock them up.

    11) Fix the FDA so that any drug which is both safe and effective can get approved quicker with less cost. Also, have special provisions to speed drugs along whenever a company agrees to not charge $ 10,000 or more per treatment.

    #26     Jun 4, 2010
  7. Hello


    Tirckle down economics does work provided that you incentivize job creation. Bush made the mistake of just cutting taxes for the rich thinking it would work itself out, if you instead provide subsidies for businesses who create jobs it works just fine.

    The alternative, raising taxes on corporations, amidst a bad recession so that you can hand out a bunch of freebies to people who dont work is the absolute worst thing you can do during a recession. You can not prove otherwise, it is simple economic fact, arguing that what bush did didnt work does not negate the fact that What Obama is doing is far more desctructive to the economy.
    #27     Jun 4, 2010
  8. Jobs were created under in India, China, etc.

    The free market has been a dismal failure for quite some time now, and cutting taxes that stayed in the pockets of the rich was one stupid idea after starting two unending wars...

    #28     Jun 4, 2010
  9. Hello


    Ok i will state this again in bold, sense you never seem to answer a question, and just revert to the typical "well bush did this" bullshit.

    Here are the two scenarios: Of these 2 scenarios which one would you choose? What would the economic impact of either situation be?

    a) Cut taxes for corporations based on incentives to hire people, meaning if a company hires someone on at a certain rate, they get a tax cut which reflects the cost of the employee being hired. Corporations get a tax subsidy based on the amount they are paying the newly found employee a year.

    b) Raise taxes on corporations and give out handouts to people who do not work do not work, or make enough money to pay their living expenses. Increase the size of government while the tax base shrinks.

    Of the 2 scenarios which one do you choose. Which one do you think is sustainable? What do you think the economic impact of either scenario will be?
    #29     Jun 4, 2010
  10. Corporations will hire the cheapest labor possible, putting that labor in the most unsafe position possible if it means greater profit to the bottom line.

    What have corporations done in the past decade?

    Export jobs out of America because it improves their bottom line.

    What can the US do to give the corporations to keep the jobs in the US?

    Tax the shit out of them when they send jobs overseas...that would give them incentive to hire American...

    Remove all the tax dodges.

    Look, I am not for handouts. It is a fallacy to think that the majority of Americans don't actually want to work, or don't want to have pride in their work.

    The problem is that the businesses they work for treat them like shit, whenever they can. Without labor unions, we would be back in the 19th century of the industrialists treating workers like shit.

    Can we compete with China and India's labor costs?


    Why should we even try?

    So that we can lower the standard of living and safety of Americans to the level of Chinese and Indian grunt workers?

    Unbridled capitalism in a global economy of slave wage labor and no benefits/safety for workers is killing America...

    #30     Jun 4, 2010