Twitter moved over to web address - Forum media linking needs update

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by gwb-trading, May 17, 2024.

  1. gwb-trading


    Twitter has now fully moved over to from

    Most tweet links will now have; the forum software seems to only support for media link addition. It appears an update will be needed to support

    The short term workaround is to manually change the url characters to from in the url of the tweet you are trying to link. However shortly even the re-direct from the domain to may disappear.
  2. Overnight


    A blessing in disguise, methinks. Not much good comes from X.
  3. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    I wholeheartedly disagree, and love spending time on X. Some real funny shit, some serious stuff, great memes, lots of different viewpoints, and gorgeous AI art creations by many. Easy to get lost for hours over there, same for YouTube except for the lots of different viewpoints thingie.
    Tsing Tao, semperfrosty and Sprout like this.
  4. Sprout


    This explains a lot, thanks. Please update or ET will fade into obsolescence.

    Wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. The above comment that only comes from a well-curated feed.
    Magna likes this.
  5. Overnight


    Some really funny shit comes from this site as well, you know. We don't need X.

    After all, nobody on X knew about your X-File town of Magna, UT, where God-knows-what is going on over there.
  6. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    Never suggested that X was a replacement for ET, simply another place to go on the web for grins 'n giggles. Kinda like YouTube where certain individuals spend an inordinate amount of time digging up obscure videos.

    Did I say "obscure"? Meant to say exciting, wonderful videos that are always welcome, always a treat... :p
    Overnight likes this.
  7. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

  8. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Ok, it should be good to go now. Somebody try it on your end and let me know if it works ok.
  9. Sprout


    The comments section of YT vids can be hilariously witty.

    Wish they had one for max pain
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
  10. gwb-trading


    It's working today with

    Thanks for quickly addressing this issue!
    #10     May 21, 2024
    Baron likes this.