Twilight Zone Latest Classic To Be Ruined By Hollywood Liberals

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, May 24, 2019.

  1. Who could have seen this coming? One of the Golden Age of TV's most stylish and clever series, which delighted in subtlety and irony, has been resurrected as a crude platform for idiotic liberal moral posturing.

    If that ending wasn’t obvious enough, producer Jordon Peele does his bad impression of Rod Serling with a final bit of moralizing by essentially insisting that gun owners care about guns more than they care about people.

    “Human beings have a funny way of treating things like people,” Peele piously says in his narration at the end of the episode. “But today, they’ll learn that as long as objects are valued more than lives tragedy will forever be manufactured here in the Twilight Zone.”

    The moral of our story? People care more about guns than they do about human life.

    Peele moralizing about the sanctity of human life comes just after he announced that he is donating the profits of his productions in Georgia to the pro-abortion movement.

    Thus far, Peele’s reboot of The Twilight Zone is a pale shadow of the original. Serling’s classic series broadcast from 1958 to 1964 certainly moralized with its stories, but it generally did so in a very subtle and artful way. Whereas Peele’s updated version is more like a sledgehammer for its liberal values."
  2. Oh, you poor dear. So much boycotting. So it will be just you and a can of beans.

    (You will boycott the show, of course, won't you?)
  3. traderob


  4. Cuddles


    I'm just happy these are your kids' heroes.
  5. [​IMG]
    Cuddles and Frederick Foresight like this.
  6. DTB2


    I never realized that buying a gun results in the instantaneous death of an innocent life.

    That's why I come here, you guys are so smart.
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  7. Cuddles


    Yes, we should relinquish our 14th amendment because that can't happen to the 2nd
  8. DTB2


    It was the"brilliant" Gloria Steinem who linked the 2 and one of your ilk that thought it was so special that it needed posting here.