Trump's Bizarre DACA Negotiating Strategy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. Donald Trump rightly was regarded as a master negotiator. He screwed over banks and bond holders repeatedly in his Atlantic City misadventures. You don't make a fortune in real estate by being an easy mark either. So has he lost a step, as Bannon intimated? Or did he just have clever advisors in business and now is on his own with a bunch of advisors who didn't even vote for him?

    I ask because the Donald Trump of Art of the Deal didn't get there by leading with his chin the way he is doing on this DACA nonsense. The dems have a big problem on DACA. Their supporters are beside themselves to get it passed. The dems however have very limited options. Basically they have two options. One, they can try the government shutdown ploy that Obama used so masterfully to bully cuck republicans. Or two, they can play the waiting game and hope they get congressional majorities, a risky ploy if they alienate their base of true crazies.

    The problem with the shutdown gambit is, a shutdown is actually quite popular among Trump's hard right supporters. If dems went this route and lost, not only would Trump have a huge win but the shutdown weapon would be rendered useless in the future. An entire generation of republican cucks have been conditioned to believe that a shutdown only hurts them, and dems might think twice before disproving that belief.

    Luckily for them, it appears that Trump has come up with a third approach, one that will give the dems a big win and, as a bonus, infuriate Trump's supporters. Trump made one huge mistake when he ended DACA prospectively. He should have either ended it immediately or waited and just let the courts declare it unconstitutional. By kicking it over to congress, he effectively agreed to a legislative amnesty. The current negotiations are just about the terms of his surrender. Dems would prefer an unconditional surrender, while Trump at least wants a fig leaf.

    Bitter experience teaches us that whatever we get in return will be ephemeral. Amnesties take effect immediately and for all time. And whatever Trump signs off on will be vastly enlarged by the federal courts. Any limits will be judged unfair and discriminatory. By contrast, building a wall takes time. Stepping up enforcement takes time and can be reversed by the next sellouts who take office. Ending outrages like chain migration will require lengthy court battles.

    So what should Trump have done? In essence, nothing, often a powerful negotiating technique. By doing nothing, you signal that you hold all the cards. Force the dems to negotiate against themselves by rejecting every offer. What's the worst that can happen? Illegals demonstrate against him? Bring it on, please bring it on.

    What is happening now is that the cuck establishment is upping the pressure on Trump to agree to token concessions. The most important item, e-Verify, is apparently off the table completely. You can thank your Chamber of Commerce business lobby for that. The media and republican amnesty advocates, ie pretty much all the Senators, have started a campaign against Trump's one remaining MAGA hawk, Steve Miller. They want him out of the negotiations because he is an "obstacle" to a deal.

    Trump detests criticism and has put himself into a downward spiral as a result. His core supporters are furious at his impending betrayal, but the more they criticize, the more he shuts them off and turns to establishment figures like Ryan and McConnell. He still seems to crave the approval of his hometown NYT as well.

    Trump is so mercurial, no one can predict how this ends up. Maybe it's more of his 3D chess wizardry and the rest of us are too dim to appreciate it. Right now, things do not look good however.
  2. jem likes this.
  3. The ever present threat of Ivanka's tears may be a factor here as well. "Daddy, how can you send those adorable children back?" I'm sure Ivanka has a lot of DACA friends, is close to the families and sends her children to public schools where they can be greatly enriched by the vibrant diversity. Sure she does.

    Dreamers showing their gratitude for free education and welfare.





    MoneyMatthew likes this.
  4. Laura Ingraham is concerned ,
    She'd do well to bust her bubble as soon as she can , Dreamers won't be going anywhere.

    And Trump knows , his base will always fawn over him , even if he had to shoot some of them.
  5. jem


    if trump passes daca without and end to chain migration, anchor babies and the wall, he will lose fans faster than the NFL.

    Read my lips.

    AAAintheBeltway and MoneyMatthew like this.
  6. UsualName


    Trump is a cult of personality. You die hards will follow him no matter what simply because your brain is conditioned by too much Fox News and right wing tabloid news sites.

    You are right, he has fans not political support. Just look at the mindless undermining of the justice Department that circulates from Fox and Friends to the tabloids to social media then finally out of the fans mouths. Only a fan would support their icon like that.

  7. You like people who support Oprah for president?
  8. jem


    If you think I am Trump die hard you have zero comprehension. I have been critical of the majority of things Trump has done.

    I don't watch fox.

    I was here writing about what I believed before Bannon and before Trump jumped on the bandwagon. Trump jumped off the bandwagon.

    I plan to vote for someone like Cruz or Paul in the primaries.

  9. RRY16


    I think Bannon and Cruz will team up
  10. jem


    that would be interesting.

    #10     Jan 11, 2018